### Please describe the problem. git annex won't export subdirectories claiming they don't exist. `git rev-parse` however, returns hashes for said directories which then are accepted by `git annex export`. ### What steps will reproduce the problem? [[!format sh """ $ git annex export master:folder --to exp fatal: Path 'folder:' does not exist in 'master' git-annex: unknown tree $ git rev-parse master:folder 943218c141ab2a315b533fa9f92fe610916b5d1b $ git annex export 943218c141ab2a315b533fa9f92fe610916b5d1b --to exp export exp testfile2 ok (recording state in git...) """]] ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? git-annex version: 6.20171026-g43d011a52 on Arch Linux > [[fixed|done]] --[[Joey]]