[[!comment format=mdwn username="spwhitton" ip="" subject="comment 9" date="2012-12-06T21:37:52Z" content=""" Yes, running git-attr like that does indeed produce the problem. I attempted to rebuild git-annex using cabal, but the build failed with the following error: [273 of 290] Compiling Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Local ( Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Local.hs, dist/build/git-annex/git-annex-tmp/Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Local.o ) Assistant/WebApp/Configurators/Local.hs:55:11: `fieldEnctype' is not a (visible) field of constructor `Field' cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: git-annex-3.20121127.1 failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 1 """]]