[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 2""" date="2018-03-05T14:40:08Z" content=""" This is a bit puzzling, since git-annex does not link to libpng. I think what must be going on os that Cocoa, which git-annex does link to, links to libpng. The dmg contains its own copy of zlib, not for git-annex, which does not directly link to it, but for the embedded copy of curl. But the linker is told to prefer the bundled libraries, so it tries to use the bundled zlib with Cocoa. Upgrading the OSX autobuilder to 10.13 would be the cleanest fix, but installing a newer zlib on there with homebrew should also work. Hmm, but I tried homebrew and their zlib does not contain the `_inflateValidate` symbol. """]]