[[!comment format=mdwn username="guilhem" ip="" subject="comment 5" date="2013-08-30T22:51:56Z" content=""" OK (you just generated 1 byte of base64-encoded random data). No, I'm afraid git-annex will croak for each operation using gpg on your remote (which includes get, push, fsck, ...). This lines specifies how gpg automatically retrieves public keys when you get a signed message for instance. If you don't want to mix configurations, it is easy to create a git-annex-specific GnuPG home directory, but it requires you to point the `GNUPGHOME` to this alternative directory before starting git-annex. That said, other MacOSX users have encountered the same problem, and it was [[reported_to_be_solved_recently|/bugs/internal_server_error_when_choosing_encrypted_rsync_repo_option/]]. """]]