[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="moreinfo" date="2014-03-19T20:49:47Z" content=""" What I don't understand about this is, how does `open` fail due to a file being locked? This is Linux, it doesn't have mandatory locking that I know of, and git-annex certianly doesn't use such a thing. I really need a way to reproduce this and/or a strace. As it is, I've never seen this reported by anyone else and don't understand the failure mode at all. The relevant part of the code seems to be here: [[!format haskell \"\"\" setJournalFile :: JournalLocked -> FilePath -> String -> Annex () setJournalFile _jl file content = do tmp <- fromRepo gitAnnexTmpMiscDir createAnnexDirectory =<< fromRepo gitAnnexJournalDir createAnnexDirectory tmp -- journal file is written atomically jfile <- fromRepo $ journalFile file let tmpfile = tmp takeFileName jfile liftIO $ do writeBinaryFile tmpfile content moveFile tmpfile jfile \"\"\"]] While there is some ctnl locking going on, it locks a special sentinal file, not the file it's writing to. """]]