[[!comment format=mdwn username="git-annex@53a027ebda399714df9272a135f22ac774f3c9f1" nickname="git-annex" subject="i can second this" date="2015-07-26T10:29:32Z" content=""" I have the same behaviour on CM11 4.4.4 on a Moto G as well. When i installed git annex i would be greeted by the same message, but then could start the webapp from the menu successfully. i then proceeded to setup my repo, which synced flawlessly, if i had started the webapp as stated above. however my files were never automatically synced when just starting the app (terminal window). Therefore i resorted to \"cd\" to my repo and \"git annex add *\" and \"git annex sync --content\" every time i wanted to sync. i tried changing the startup command to \"git annex assistant --autostart\", \"git annex assistant --autostart --foreground\", \"cd ../DCIM;git annex sync --content\", \"echo test\" but nothing seems to start (not quite sure how to check for that). for my shell i had the default/data/data/ga.androidterm/lib/lib.start.so and /data/data/ga.androidterm/runshell if that makes any difference? not sure if that's related when trying to manually invoke \"git annex --assistant [--foreground]\" i get: git annex autostart in /sdcard/DCIM usage: ionice [none|rt|be|idle] [prio] failed and back to prompt. Not sure if this is CM(11) only? my git annex version is: 5.20150527-gfc92f13 for android 4.3 and 4.4. if you need more information i'll be happy to provide it, to get this out of the way :D """]]