[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2016-05-23T18:02:11Z" content=""" It would be nice if git checked disk space before writing object files. However, it unfortunatly does not do so currently, and not checking disk space is typical of unix tools so it might be hard to convince the git devs to add that. git-annex has annex.diskreserve because it's dealing with so much data and such large files that it's best to not let it fill the disk and instead abort before it downloads too much data. I don't see any way that git-annex can avoid git objects taking up too much disk space, without re-implementing all of git + space checking. Sure, `git annex sync` could avoid pulling if annex.diskreserve was not free, but this would not help with manual `git pull`, or `git commit`, or `git receive-pack`, or any of the other ways objects can be added to a git repository. What you can do though, is set annex.diskreserve to a reasonably large amount, so that git-annex tries to keep that much space free. Eg, set it to at least half the current size of `du -hs .git/objects` """]]