[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://joelpurra.com/" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/6b09b608da8a2f34acf3d89caf8b7438ddbd404bb2db31414855118a7dab678c" subject="macOS HFS+, core.precomposeUnicode" date="2017-01-13T14:27:15Z" content=""" @joeyh.name: did you notice the subtle difference between the filename in the input and the output in your example? I think it might cause problems due to a discrepancy between `git annex` and the file system when checking if a file exists or not. Not sure if the problem is in `git` or `git annex`; what do you think? ```text git annex add George\'s\ Cafe\314\201 ... create mode 120000 \"George's Caf\303\251\" ``` See [Unicode Subtleties in the HFS Plus Volume Format](https://developer.apple.com/legacy/library/technotes/tn/tn1150.html#UnicodeSubtleties) and `git config` for [`core.precomposeUnicode`](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-config#git-config-coreprecomposeUnicode) Here's a `printf` example. ```bash printf '\303\251 e\314\201 (note double space) \314\201' ``` ```text é é (note double space) ́ ``` ```bash printf '\303\251 e\314\201 (note double space) \314\201' | LC_ALL=C vis -otc ``` ```text \303\251 e\314\201 (note double space) \314\201 ``` """]]