[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawnSenxKyE_2Z6Wb-EBMO8FciyRywjx1ZiQ" nickname="Walter" subject="comment 11" date="2015-04-23T20:29:17Z" content=""" I think I may have not been entirely clear previously; the file \"GPGHMACSHA1--417830f4c50a2887674917abd2c18c522853255a\" was not in the bucket, but git annex said it was. That is, the upload failed, but git annex thought it succeeded. Similarly, all the files I recently added we not actually uploaded, but git annex thought they were. I ``git annex fsck``ed them, which was fast because it failed to download any of them. fscking other files is slow, as it has to download them of course. Maybe to reproduce this, you could try: [[!format sh \"\"\" git annex initremote cloud datacenter=ap-southeast-1 git annex add file git annex copy --to cloud file git annex drop file git annex enableremote could dataceter=ap-southeast-2 git annex get file \"\"\"]] """]]