[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://id.koumbit.net/anarcat" ip="2001:1928:1:9::1" subject="sources" date="2013-11-21T18:41:12Z" content=""" I tried to find a canonical source for why (or if?) git ignores any \".git\" directory, and it turns out it also ignores .git *files*, according to [this stackoverflow thread](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6839781/what-happens-when-you-run-git-add-git-in-a-git-repository). It's hardcoded in the source code and \"will likely not change\". I guess this should therefore be taken upstream, but I am not sure how this could justified there. I do think git-annex should support that. It's turning more and more as a \"generic backup solution\" or \"i want my files in the cloud\" kind of solution, which is awesome, but small things like this are making it harder to use... --[[anarcat]] """]]