[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawlXt6nnNs-3uw61EGYtxr_AVhJqXybwLR8" nickname="Bruno" subject="Why this limitation ?" date="2015-03-25T22:32:46Z" content=""" I do not understand this limitation ! Why the git-annex exclude the **.git** directory. If the .git is not int the root annex, what the problem ? Effectively, for me, this limitation is a big problem for archive my working directory (it's contain a some .git folders) more, is there a command to showing the files not in the annex after executing \"git annex add .\" exist ? Because it's dangerous to believe that the data is in backup, but in the reality they have not saved It's a pity, that powerful archiver tool is limited by himself, it lacks some features to be perfectly. This does not affect your excelent work ! Regards BA """]]