[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawkzwmw_zyMpZC9_J7ey--woeYPoZkAOgGw" nickname="dxtrish" subject="comment 3" date="2014-02-04T14:04:33Z" content=""" And the UUID package requires network-info and git-annex seems to require the UUID package. Also notice that the configure can't find the SHA commands: checking sha1... not available checking sha256... not available checking sha512... not available checking sha224... not available checking sha384... not available Configuring git-annex-5.20140129... setup: user error (At least the following dependencies are missing: uuid -any) Even though: % which sha1 /bin/sha1 % which sha256 /bin/sha256 """]]