[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 6""" date="2016-04-13T17:43:34Z" content=""" So, I see that you *did* tell git-annex to treat your home git repo as a git-annex repo. And, starting the the assistant/webapp from inside a git annex repository is intended to start them running in that repository. This behavior makes a lot of sense in general. It's consistent with running any other git command inside a git repository causing that command to run on that repository. I guess that the issue here is, opening the git-annex webapp from a menu causes the program to run with its working directory set to HOME. But in this case, the HOME is only incidental, the intent is not to start the webapp/assistant in that repository. Seems kind of hard for the assistant to determine intent though. So, the best that can be done, I suppose, is to make starting the webapp in the HOME git repository behave as if that git repository was not initialized for use by git-annex. """]]