[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 5" date="2014-04-07T22:12:14Z" content=""" Is the repository using direct mode? Another theory is that: * test/hello appears * watcher sees new symlink, tries to make a commit with it * master branch already has that symlink * this is why the write-tree is not followed by a commit-tree. The commit would have been empty. If this is the case, then 84068090af4bcd3d24f16d865ac07b0478f20ada will be a ref on the master branch. And all of the above is normal operation. But it does suggest, that if this repo is in direct mode, it might be running a direct mode work tree update around then. Which requires a lot of cat-file queries of the git-annex branch. And would certainly make repeated queries at least if the repository has duplicate copies of some files.. """]]