[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://joeyh.name/" ip="" subject="comment 13" date="2013-12-03T20:23:43Z" content=""" Ok, that explains the weird results, because I get the same crazy data dumped when I try eg `git show git-annex:uuid.log @{0}` in a repository that is completely ok. The @{0} causes git show to show some commit. Not the commit that changed uuid.log however. So it first shows the uuid.log (always the most recent version), and then some random commit. This will work:
git clone myrepo myrepo.tmp
cd myrepo.tmp
git checkout git-annex
mkdir logs
for r in $(git log --pretty='%H' uuid.log); do git show $r > logs/$r; done
git log uuid.log > logs/gitlog