[[!comment format=mdwn username="etesial@f4797a6d725e971a2d41f3cbcf174991da178c29" nickname="etesial" subject="comment 8" date="2015-07-07T14:45:32Z" content=""" Hi Joey, I've failed to reproduce it now on Debian's 5.20141105-g8d8b248 and have already deleted dirs from previous setup. Maybe I'll try again later if I get some ideas what to tune. This time I've written a script to setup repos for better reproducibility and while result is negative, I think it'll still may be useful to post it here: #!/bin/bash set -x set -e DIRS=(\"/home/butler/annex_test/data\" \"/home/butler/annex_test/data\" \"/home/butler/annex_test/data\") NAMES=(\"antiferno\" \"axe\" \"deadbird\") URIS=(\"ssh://antiferno//${DIRS[0]}\" \"ssh://axe//${DIRS[1]}\" \"ssh://deadbird//${DIRS[2]}\") MODES=(\"manual\" \"backup\" \"manual\") function init { git init \"$1\" } function git_add_remote { git --git-dir=\"$1/.git\" --work-tree=\"$1\" remote add \"$2\" \"$3\" } function annex_init { git --git-dir=\"$1/.git\" --work-tree=\"$1\" annex init \"annex at $2\" } function annex_set_mode { git --git-dir=\"$1/.git\" --work-tree=\"$1\" annex wanted . standard git --git-dir=\"$1/.git\" --work-tree=\"$1\" annex group . \"$2\" } function add_initial_file { path=\"$1/file_$2\" echo \"File from $2\" >\"$path\" git --git-dir=\"$1/.git\" --work-tree=\"$1\" annex add \"$path\" git --git-dir=\"$1/.git\" --work-tree=\"$1\" commit -m \"First file on $2\" } function setup { init \"${DIRS[$1]}\" annex_init \"${DIRS[$1]}\" \"${NAMES[$1]}\" git_add_remote \"${DIRS[$1]}\" \"${NAMES[$2]}\" \"${URIS[$2]}\" git_add_remote \"${DIRS[$1]}\" \"${NAMES[$3]}\" \"${URIS[$3]}\" annex_set_mode \"${DIRS[$1]}\" \"${MODES[$1]}\" add_initial_file \"${DIRS[$1]}\" \"${NAMES[$1]}\" } if [ \"$1\" == \"${NAMES[0]}\" ]; then setup 0 1 2; fi if [ \"$1\" == \"${NAMES[1]}\" ]; then setup 1 2 0; fi if [ \"$1\" == \"${NAMES[2]}\" ]; then setup 2 0 1; fi """]]