[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmi0jblSiI4c5-EswqKw4PXkx5M4fuVvdk" nickname="Henry" subject="comment 2" date="2014-05-29T19:10:08Z" content=""" I'm using the same folder name on different hosts. So yes, ~/foo exists 3 times. Let me try to clarify it:
Client        Transfer           Client
r9-y3pll      edhp-transfer      czc4142wfz
~/foo     <-> ~/foo          <-> ~/foo
~/bar                            ~/bar
So, I have two clients and one transfer server. Both clients have two local repositories ~/foo and ~/bar. The transfer repository has only be configured to the ~/foo client repositories, but not to the ~/bar repositories. But for some reason, the ~/foo repositories know about the ~/bar repositories (see the id's of the git-annex vicfg output for ~/foo repositories above) and keep uploading files to the transfer repository, even I did select keep the repositories separate on both hosts. """]]