[[!comment format=mdwn username="CandyAngel" ip="" subject="comment 3" date="2014-07-11T10:41:23Z" content=""" Ohhh I see! I was expecting \"standard\" to be the default because of what vicfg shows.. # Repository preferred contents # (for web) #wanted 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 = standard # (for test) #wanted 025d4d21-7648-426c-a406-bb7f27688afe = standard # Group preferred contents # (Used by repositories with \"groupwanted\" in their preferred contents) #groupwanted archive = standard #groupwanted backup = standard #groupwanted client = standard #groupwanted incrementalbackup = standard #groupwanted manual = standard #groupwanted public = standard #groupwanted smallarchive = standard #groupwanted source = standard #groupwanted transfer = standard In my experience with configuration files, a commented out line like this: #wanted 025d4d21-7648-426c-a406-bb7f27688afe = standard without any \"this is an example\" text above it means \"this is the default setting\". Everything in vicfg looks like it is the current settings, rather than just placeholders.. I understand why you need to set the wanted explicitly (at least from the command line), but the way information is shown in vicfg led me to interact with it incorrectly. Would it be worth adding a disclaimer that commented lines are examples, not defaults? As far as I am aware, the logic I explained above (commented line == default) is the \"norm\" in *nix configuration files, which would make vicfg non-intuitive. All I need to do now is not be so bothered by how messy the git-annex branch looks when the assistant is running things! :D Thankies """]]