### Please describe the problem. A couple of days ago I merged a v5 repo with an OLD one (see [1]) - both on the local drive. I *thought* it all went relatively smoothly until I tried to find some files that existed pre-merge. **All** files from before the merge were deleted as part of the merge commit. Fortunately, they seem to be available when I do `git annex unused` --- Any thoughts on how I would recover the removed files? Some have a web remote, so doing it by hand for all 300ish would be a PITA. --- [1] Last commit was Dec 2013, and `.git/config` has `annex.version = 3` ### What steps will reproduce the problem? Ah. That's hard as I can't remember exactly what I did... :-/ 1. Find an OLD repo and merge with a current one using the assistant. 2. I *think* I used the webapp and changed repositories to the old one (that was marked as `unwanted`). 3. I *think* I stopped and restarted the assistant a few times. (It was a loooooong merge). ### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system? - git-annex version: 6.20170520 (at time of merge) - git-annex version: 6.20170818 (currently) - Operating system: macOS Sierra v10.12.6 - Installed by: homebrew ### Please provide any additional information below. I suspect this is a bug that can't be reproduced easily. ### Have you had any luck using git-annex before? (Sometimes we get tired of reading bug reports all day and a lil' positive end note does wonders) <3 <3 <3