[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 3""" date="2015-09-22T16:25:15Z" content=""" Ok, that seems clear enough, and there's only 1 place where git-annex copies .git/index; in `mergeDirect`. Indeed, if .git/index doesn't exist yet when that is called, it'll crash. And, a freshly created git repo starts off without a .git/index until changes start to be staged. However, I can't reproduce the crash with a current version of git-annex, and this bug report is about a version nearly a year old now. AFAICS, the sync (or the assistant) will make a commit before merging, and that commit results in the index file being created, as a side effect. Also, I can't see anything that VFAT could have to do with this. Hmm, I did manage to reproduce the crash using the new --no-commit flag to git-annex sync. Will fix on that basis. """]]