[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmYiJgOvC4IDYkr2KIjMlfVD9r_1Sij_jY" nickname="Douglas" subject="Not limited to usb drives" date="2013-01-23T02:08:38Z" content=""" I have a machine with multiple hard drives. One of these drives is strictly used for backups, ie /dev/sdc holds /home and /dev/sdd is a giant drive that i keep a backup of important items that I would like to have readily available in case of a drive failure. Somewhere in \"add more repositories\" the assistant should be able to create a copy of the repository on the same computer. When I saw the add a removable drive feature i thought it might work but it will not let me select a specific directory. Current setup, I have the assistant managing a group of repos: /home/me/Videos.Annex /home/me/Photos.Annex /home/me/Documents.Annex I access these files via /home/me/DIRECTORY. However in case my /home drive breaks I would like to know that git-annex was faithfully keeping a copy in /mnt/bigdrive as well as on me@someothermachine. I would like to use the assistant to manage: /mnt/bigdrive/Annex.Backups/Videos.Annex /mnt/bigdrive/Annex.Backups/Photos.Annex /mnt/bigdrive/Annex.Backups/Documents.Annex """]]