[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://me.yahoo.com/a/bBy7WkgQicYHIiiyj.Vm0TcMbxi2quzbPFef#6f9f7" nickname="Frederik Vanrenterghem" subject="comment 3" date="2013-04-10T13:37:38Z" content=""" The drawback of addding the extra repository as suggested is that the files can't be accessed on the USB drive when plugged into a Windows PC as far as I can tell,since they are stored in git. Isn't this a use case in scope of the assistant? Note that the setup I created yesterday effectively has resulted in all files being lost, also in the main repository. This because the files on the USB drive became links to their equivalent in the git directory on the usb drive, but they got transferred back to the laptop as 1kb files. """]]