[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 2""" date="2015-12-02T19:36:14Z" content=""" Found this in the changelog: * webapp: When adding another local repository, and combining it with the current repository, the new repository's remote path was set to "." rather than the path to the current repository. This was a reversion caused by the relative path changes in 5.20150113. I guess this is a similar problem, although it seems that the "." in your case made it into `~/.config/git-annex/autostart` I found two ways to do that. One is to tell the webapp to make a repository, and enter "." as the repository location. The other, which is probably what you did, is to go to Configuration -> Preferences and uncheck "Auto start", save and then go back and check it. This wrongly puts in a "." instead of the full repo path. I've fixed all code paths to force absolute paths in the autostart file, and made any relative paths that got in there be ignored. """]]