[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://openid.fmarier.org/" nickname="fmarier" subject="Still stuck at "pairing in progress"" date="2013-05-05T00:26:16Z" content=""" I hadn't thought of ssh. So here's what I've got now: * both laptop and desktop have `-A INPUT -d -p udp --dport 55556 -j ACCEPT` * `git annex webapp` is running as user `francois` on both machines * laptop has `openssh-server` running on port 22 and its firewall allows desktop to connect * desktop has `openssh-server` running on port 22 and its firewall allows the whole internal network to connect * laptop's ssh pubkey is in francois' `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` on desktop and ssh'ing works * deskop's ssh pubkey is **not** in francois' `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` on laptop (is that required?) * (as mentioned before) both desktop and laptop are on the same switch and connected over CAT5 * I'm using `password` as a pairing key just to rule out any typos there I don't see anything in the git-annex log on both of these machines. There's just a bunch of key generation stuff and then the last line is \"Pairing in progress\". """]]