{- A generic matcher. - - Can be used to check if a user-supplied condition, - like "foo and ( bar or not baz )" matches. The condition must already - be tokenized, and can contain arbitrary operations. - - If operations are not separated by and/or, they are defaulted to being - anded together, so "foo bar baz" all must match. - - Is forgiving about misplaced closing parens, so "foo and (bar or baz" - will be handled, as will "foo and ( bar or baz ) )" - - Copyright 2011 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module Utility.Matcher ( Token(..), Matcher, token, generate, match, matchM, matchesAny ) where import Control.Monad {- A Token can be an Operation of an arbitrary type, or one of a few - predefined peices of syntax. -} data Token op = Operation op | And | Or | Not | Open | Close deriving (Show, Eq) data Matcher op = MAny | MAnd (Matcher op) (Matcher op) | MOr (Matcher op) (Matcher op) | MNot (Matcher op) | MOp op deriving (Show, Eq) {- Converts a word of syntax into a token. Doesn't handle operations. -} token :: String -> Token op token "and" = And token "or" = Or token "not" = Not token "(" = Open token ")" = Close token t = error $ "unknown token " ++ t {- Converts a list of Tokens into a Matcher. -} generate :: [Token op] -> Matcher op generate ts = generate' MAny ts generate' :: Matcher op -> [Token op] -> Matcher op generate' m [] = m generate' m ts = uncurry generate' $ consume m ts {- Consumes one or more Tokens, constructs a new Matcher, - and returns unconsumed Tokens. -} consume :: Matcher op -> [Token op] -> (Matcher op, [Token op]) consume m [] = (m, []) consume m (t:ts) = go t where go And = cont $ m `MAnd` next go Or = cont $ m `MOr` next go Not = cont $ m `MAnd` (MNot next) go Open = let (n, r) = consume next rest in (m `MAnd` n, r) go Close = (m, ts) go (Operation o) = (m `MAnd` MOp o, ts) (next, rest) = consume MAny ts cont v = (v, rest) {- Checks if a Matcher matches, using a supplied function to check - the value of Operations. -} match :: (op -> v -> Bool) -> Matcher op -> v -> Bool match a m v = go m where go MAny = True go (MAnd m1 m2) = go m1 && go m2 go (MOr m1 m2) = go m1 || go m2 go (MNot m1) = not (go m1) go (MOp o) = a o v {- Runs a monadic Matcher, where Operations are actions in the monad. -} matchM :: Monad m => Matcher (v -> m Bool) -> v -> m Bool matchM m v = go m where go MAny = return True go (MAnd m1 m2) = liftM2 (&&) (go m1) (go m2) go (MOr m1 m2) = liftM2 (||) (go m1) (go m2) go (MNot m1) = liftM not (go m1) go (MOp o) = o v {- Checks is a matcher contains no limits, and so (presumably) matches - anything. Note that this only checks the trivial case; it is possible - to construct matchers that match anything but are more complicated. -} matchesAny :: Matcher a -> Bool matchesAny MAny = True matchesAny _ = False