{- lsof interface - - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Utility.Lsof where import Common import Build.SysConfig as SysConfig import Utility.Env import System.Posix.Types data LsofOpenMode = OpenReadWrite | OpenReadOnly | OpenWriteOnly | OpenUnknown deriving (Show, Eq) type CmdLine = String data ProcessInfo = ProcessInfo ProcessID CmdLine deriving (Show) {- lsof is not in PATH on all systems, so SysConfig may have the absolute - path where the program was found. Make sure at runtime that lsof is - available, and if it's not in PATH, adjust PATH to contain it. -} setup :: IO () setup = do let cmd = fromMaybe "lsof" SysConfig.lsof when (isAbsolute cmd) $ do path <- getSearchPath let path' = takeDirectory cmd : path void $ setEnv "PATH" (intercalate [searchPathSeparator] path') True {- Checks each of the files in a directory to find open files. - Note that this will find hard links to files elsewhere that are open. -} queryDir :: FilePath -> IO [(FilePath, LsofOpenMode, ProcessInfo)] queryDir path = query ["+d", path] {- Runs lsof with some parameters. - - Ignores nonzero exit code; lsof returns that when no files are open. - - Note: If lsof is not available, this always returns [] ! -} query :: [String] -> IO [(FilePath, LsofOpenMode, ProcessInfo)] query opts = withHandle StdoutHandle (createProcessChecked checkSuccessProcess) p $ \h -> do fileEncoding h parse <$> hGetContentsStrict h where p = proc "lsof" ("-F0can" : opts) type LsofParser = String -> [(FilePath, LsofOpenMode, ProcessInfo)] parse :: LsofParser #ifdef __ANDROID__ parse = parseDefault #else parse = parseFormatted #endif {- Parsing null-delimited output like: - - pPID\0cCMDLINE\0 - aMODE\0nFILE\0 - aMODE\0nFILE\0 - pPID\0[...] - - Where each new process block is started by a pid, and a process can - have multiple files open. -} parseFormatted :: LsofParser parseFormatted s = bundle $ go [] $ lines s where bundle = concatMap (\(fs, p) -> map (\(f, m) -> (f, m, p)) fs) go c [] = c go c ((t:r):ls) | t == 'p' = let (fs, ls') = parsefiles [] ls in go ((fs, parseprocess r):c) ls' | otherwise = parsefail go _ _ = parsefail parseprocess l = case splitnull l of [pid, 'c':cmdline, ""] -> case readish pid of (Just n) -> ProcessInfo n cmdline Nothing -> parsefail _ -> parsefail parsefiles c [] = (c, []) parsefiles c (l:ls) = case splitnull l of ['a':mode, 'n':file, ""] -> parsefiles ((file, parsemode mode):c) ls (('p':_):_) -> (c, l:ls) _ -> parsefail parsemode ('r':_) = OpenReadOnly parsemode ('w':_) = OpenWriteOnly parsemode ('u':_) = OpenReadWrite parsemode _ = OpenUnknown splitnull = split "\0" parsefail = error $ "failed to parse lsof output: " ++ show s {- Parses lsof's default output format. -} parseDefault :: LsofParser parseDefault = mapMaybe parseline . drop 1 . lines where parseline l = case words l of (command : spid : _user : _fd : _type : _device : _size : _node : rest) -> case readish spid of Nothing -> Nothing Just pid -> Just (unwords rest, OpenUnknown, ProcessInfo pid command) _ -> Nothing