{- git-annex v2 -> v3 upgrade support - - Copyright 2011 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module Upgrade.V2 where import System.Directory import System.FilePath import Control.Monad.State (liftIO) import List import Data.Maybe import Types.Key import Types import qualified Annex import qualified GitRepo as Git import qualified Branch import Messages import Utility import Locations olddir :: FilePath olddir = ".git-annex" {- .git-annex/ moved to a git-annex branch. - - Strategy: - - * Create the git-annex branch. - * Find each location log file in .git-annex/, and inject its content - into the git-annex branch, unioning with any content already in - there. (in passing, this deals with the semi transition that left - some location logs hashed two different ways; both are found and - merged). - * Also inject remote.log, trust.log, and uuid.log. - * git rm -rf .git-annex - * Remove stuff that used to be needed in .gitattributes. - * Commit changes. -} upgrade :: Annex Bool upgrade = do showNote "v2 to v3" g <- Annex.gitRepo Branch.create mapM_ (\(k, f) -> inject f $ logFile k) =<< locationLogs g mapM_ (\f -> inject f f) =<< logFiles olddir liftIO $ do Git.run g "rm" [Param "-r", Param "-f", Param "-q", File olddir] gitAttributesUnWrite g return True locationLogs :: Git.Repo -> Annex [(Key, FilePath)] locationLogs repo = liftIO $ do levela <- dirContents dir levelb <- mapM tryDirContents levela files <- mapM tryDirContents (concat levelb) return $ catMaybes $ map islogfile (concat files) where tryDirContents d = catch (dirContents d) (return . const []) dir = gitStateDir repo islogfile f = maybe Nothing (\k -> Just $ (k, f)) $ logFileKey $ takeFileName f inject :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Annex () inject source dest = do new <- liftIO (readFile $ olddir source) prev <- Branch.get dest Branch.change dest $ unlines $ nub $ lines prev ++ lines new logFiles :: FilePath -> Annex [FilePath] logFiles dir = return . filter (".log" `isSuffixOf`) =<< liftIO (getDirectoryContents dir) {- Old .gitattributes contents, not needed anymore. -} attrLines :: [String] attrLines = [ stateDir "*.log merge=union" , stateDir "*/*/*.log merge=union" ] gitAttributesUnWrite :: Git.Repo -> IO () gitAttributesUnWrite repo = do let attributes = Git.attributes repo whenM (doesFileExist attributes) $ do c <- readFileStrict attributes liftIO $ safeWriteFile attributes $ unlines $ filter (\l -> not $ l `elem` attrLines) $ lines c Git.run repo "add" [File attributes]