{- Amazon S3 remotes. - - Copyright 2011 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module Remote.S3 (remote) where import Control.Exception.Extensible (IOException) import Network.AWS.AWSConnection import Network.AWS.S3Object import Network.AWS.S3Bucket import Network.AWS.AWSResult import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Data.String.Utils import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Monad.State (liftIO) import System.Environment import RemoteClass import Types import qualified GitRepo as Git import qualified Annex import UUID import Config import Utility import Messages import Locations remote :: RemoteType Annex remote = RemoteType { typename = "S3", enumerate = s3List, generate = s3Gen, setup = s3Setup } s3List :: Annex [Git.Repo] s3List = do g <- Annex.gitRepo return $ findS3Remotes g {- S3 remotes have a remote..annex-s3 config setting. - Git.Repo does not normally generate remotes for things that - have no configured url, so the Git.Repo objects have to be - constructed as coming from an unknown location. -} findS3Remotes :: Git.Repo -> [Git.Repo] findS3Remotes r = map construct remotepairs where remotepairs = M.toList $ filterremotes $ Git.configMap r filterremotes = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> s3remote k) construct (k,_) = Git.repoRemoteNameSet Git.repoFromUnknown k s3remote k = startswith "remote." k && endswith ".annex-s3" k s3Gen :: Git.Repo -> Maybe (M.Map String String) -> Annex (Remote Annex) s3Gen r c = do u <- getUUID r cst <- remoteCost r return $ genRemote r u c cst where genRemote :: Git.Repo -> UUID -> Maybe (M.Map String String) -> Int -> Remote Annex genRemote r u c cst = this where this = Remote { uuid = u, cost = cst, name = Git.repoDescribe r, storeKey = s3Store this, retrieveKeyFile = s3Retrieve this, removeKey = s3Remove this, hasKey = s3CheckPresent this, hasKeyCheap = False, config = c } s3Connection :: M.Map String String -> IO AWSConnection s3Connection c = do ak <- getEnvKey "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" sk <- getEnvKey "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" return $ AWSConnection host port ak sk where host = fromJust $ (M.lookup "host" c) port = let s = fromJust $ (M.lookup "port" c) in case reads s of [(p, _)] -> p _ -> error $ "bad S3 port value: " ++ s getEnvKey s = catch (getEnv s) (error $ "Set " ++ s) s3Setup :: UUID -> M.Map String String -> Annex (M.Map String String) s3Setup u c = do -- verify configuration is sane case M.lookup "encryption" c of Nothing -> error "Specify encryption=key or encryption=none" Just "none" -> return () Just _ -> error "encryption keys not yet supported" let fullconfig = M.union c defaults -- check bucket location to see if the bucket exists, and create it let datacenter = fromJust $ M.lookup "datacenter" fullconfig conn <- liftIO $ s3Connection fullconfig showNote "checking bucket" loc <- liftIO $ getBucketLocation conn bucket case loc of Right _ -> return () Left err@(NetworkError _) -> error $ prettyReqError err Left (AWSError _ _) -> do showNote $ "creating bucket in " ++ datacenter res <- liftIO $ createBucketIn conn bucket datacenter case res of Right _ -> return () Left err -> error $ prettyReqError err g <- Annex.gitRepo liftIO $ do Git.run g "config" [Param (configsetting "annex-s3"), Param "true"] Git.run g "config" [Param (configsetting "annex-uuid"), Param u] return fullconfig where remotename = fromJust (M.lookup "name" c) bucket = remotename ++ "-" ++ u configsetting s = "remote." ++ remotename ++ "." ++ s defaults = M.fromList [ ("datacenter", "US") , ("storageclass", "STANDARD") , ("host", defaultAmazonS3Host) , ("port", show defaultAmazonS3Port) , ("bucket", bucket) ] s3Action :: Remote Annex -> ((AWSConnection, String) -> Annex a) -> Annex a s3Action r a = do when (config r == Nothing) $ error $ "Missing configuration for special remote " ++ name r conn <- liftIO $ s3Connection (fromJust $ config r) let bucket = fromJust $ M.lookup "bucket" $ fromJust $ config r a (conn, bucket) bucketKey :: String -> Key -> L.ByteString -> S3Object bucketKey bucket k content = S3Object bucket (show k) "" [] content s3CheckPresent :: Remote Annex -> Key -> Annex (Either IOException Bool) s3CheckPresent r k = s3Action r $ \(conn, bucket) -> do showNote ("checking " ++ name r ++ "...") res <- liftIO $ getObjectInfo conn $ bucketKey bucket k L.empty case res of Right _ -> return $ Right True Left (AWSError _ _) -> return $ Right False Left e -> return $ Left (error $ prettyReqError e) s3Store :: Remote Annex -> Key -> Annex Bool s3Store r k = s3Action r $ \(conn, bucket) -> do g <- Annex.gitRepo content <- liftIO $ L.readFile $ gitAnnexLocation g k let object = setStorageClass storageclass $ bucketKey bucket k content res <- liftIO $ sendObject conn object case res of Right _ -> return True Left e -> do warning $ prettyReqError e return False where storageclass = case fromJust $ M.lookup "storageclass" $ fromJust $ config r of "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" -> REDUCED_REDUNDANCY _ -> STANDARD s3Retrieve :: Remote Annex -> Key -> FilePath -> Annex Bool s3Retrieve r k f = s3Action r $ \(conn, bucket) -> do res <- liftIO $ getObject conn $ bucketKey bucket k L.empty case res of Right o -> do liftIO $ L.writeFile f (obj_data o) return True Left e -> do warning $ prettyReqError e return False s3Remove :: Remote Annex -> Key -> Annex Bool s3Remove r k = s3Action r $ \(conn, bucket) -> do res <- liftIO $ deleteObject conn $ bucketKey bucket k L.empty case res of Right _ -> return True Left e -> do warning $ prettyReqError e return False