{- P2P protocol, partial IO implementation - - Copyright 2016 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, CPP #-} module P2P.IO ( RunProto , runNetProtoHandle ) where import P2P.Protocol import Utility.Process import Git import Git.Command import Utility.SafeCommand import Utility.SimpleProtocol import Utility.Exception import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Free import Control.Monad.IO.Class import System.Exit (ExitCode(..)) import System.IO import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.Async import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L type RunProto = forall a m. (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => Proto a -> m (Maybe a) data S = S { repo :: Repo , ihdl :: Handle , ohdl :: Handle } -- Implementation of the protocol, communicating with a peer -- over a Handle. No Local actions will be run. runNetProtoHandle :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => Handle -> Handle -> Repo -> Proto a -> m (Maybe a) runNetProtoHandle i o r = go where go :: RunProto go (Pure v) = pure (Just v) go (Free (Net n)) = runNetHandle (S r i o) go n go (Free (Local _)) = return Nothing runNetHandle :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => S -> RunProto -> NetF (Proto a) -> m (Maybe a) runNetHandle s runner f = case f of SendMessage m next -> do v <- liftIO $ tryIO $ do hPutStrLn (ohdl s) (unwords (formatMessage m)) hFlush (ohdl s) case v of Left _e -> return Nothing Right () -> runner next ReceiveMessage next -> do v <- liftIO $ tryIO $ hGetLine (ihdl s) case v of Left _e -> return Nothing Right l -> case parseMessage l of Just m -> runner (next m) Nothing -> runner $ do let e = ERROR $ "protocol parse error: " ++ show l net $ sendMessage e next e SendBytes _len b next -> do v <- liftIO $ tryIO $ do L.hPut (ohdl s) b hFlush (ohdl s) case v of Left _e -> return Nothing Right () -> runner next ReceiveBytes (Len n) next -> do v <- liftIO $ tryIO $ L.hGet (ihdl s) (fromIntegral n) case v of Left _e -> return Nothing Right b -> runner (next b) CheckAuthToken u t next -> do authed <- return True -- TODO XXX FIXME really check runner (next authed) Relay hin hout next -> do v <- liftIO $ runRelay runner hin hout case v of Nothing -> return Nothing Just exitcode -> runner (next exitcode) RelayService service next -> do v <- liftIO $ runRelayService s runner service case v of Nothing -> return Nothing Just () -> runner next runRelay :: RunProto -> RelayHandle -> RelayHandle -> IO (Maybe ExitCode) runRelay runner (RelayHandle hout) (RelayHandle hin) = bracket setup cleanup go where setup = do v <- newEmptyMVar void $ async $ relayFeeder runner v void $ async $ relayReader v hout return v cleanup _ = do hClose hin hClose hout go v = relayHelper runner v hin runRelayService :: S -> RunProto -> Service -> IO (Maybe ()) runRelayService s runner service = bracket setup cleanup go where cmd = case service of UploadPack -> "upload-pack" ReceivePack -> "receive-pack" serviceproc = gitCreateProcess [ Param cmd , File (repoPath (repo s)) ] (repo s) setup = do (Just hin, Just hout, _, pid) <- createProcess serviceproc { std_out = CreatePipe , std_in = CreatePipe } v <- newEmptyMVar void $ async $ relayFeeder runner v void $ async $ relayReader v hout waiter <- async $ waitexit v pid return (v, waiter, hin, hout, pid) cleanup (_, waiter, hin, hout, pid) = do hClose hin hClose hout cancel waiter void $ waitForProcess pid go (v, _, hin, _, _) = do r <- relayHelper runner v hin case r of Nothing -> return Nothing Just exitcode -> runner $ net $ relayToPeer (RelayDone exitcode) waitexit v pid = putMVar v . RelayDone =<< waitForProcess pid -- Processes RelayData as it is put into the MVar. relayHelper :: RunProto -> MVar RelayData -> Handle -> IO (Maybe ExitCode) relayHelper runner v hin = loop where loop = do d <- takeMVar v case d of RelayFromPeer b -> do L.hPut hin b hFlush hin loop RelayToPeer b -> do r <- runner $ net $ relayToPeer (RelayToPeer b) case r of Nothing -> return Nothing Just () -> loop RelayDone exitcode -> do _ <- runner $ net $ relayToPeer (RelayDone exitcode) return (Just exitcode) -- Takes input from the peer, and puts it into the MVar for processing. -- Repeats until the peer tells it it's done or hangs up. relayFeeder :: RunProto -> MVar RelayData -> IO () relayFeeder runner v = loop where loop = do mrd <- runner $ net relayFromPeer case mrd of Nothing -> putMVar v (RelayDone (ExitFailure 1)) Just rd -> do putMVar v rd case rd of RelayDone _ -> return () _ -> loop -- Reads input from the Handle and puts it into the MVar for relaying to -- the peer. Continues until EOF on the Handle. relayReader :: MVar RelayData -> Handle -> IO () relayReader v hout = loop where loop = do bs <- getsome [] case bs of [] -> return () _ -> do putMVar v $ RelayToPeer (L.fromChunks bs) loop -- Waiit for the first available chunk. Then, without blocking, -- try to get more chunks, in case a stream of chunks is being -- written in close succession. -- -- On Windows, hGetNonBlocking is broken, so avoid using it there. getsome [] = do b <- B.hGetSome hout chunk if B.null b then return [] #ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS else getsome [b] #else else return [b] #endif getsome bs = do b <- B.hGetNonBlocking hout chunk if B.null b then return (reverse bs) else getsome (b:bs) chunk = 65536