{- git-annex location log - - git-annex keeps track of on which repository it last saw a value. - This can be useful when using it for archiving with offline storage. - When you indicate you --want a file, git-annex will tell you which - repositories have the value. - - Location tracking information is stored in `.git-annex/key.log`. - Repositories record their UUID and the date when they --get or --drop - a value. - - A line of the log will look like: "date N UUID" - Where N=1 when the repo has the file, and 0 otherwise. - - Git is configured to use a union merge for this file, - so the lines may be in arbitrary order, but it will never conflict. - - Copyright 2010 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module LocationLog ( LogStatus(..), logChange, keyLocations, logFile, readLog ) where import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import Data.Time import System.Locale import qualified Data.Map as Map import System.IO import System.Directory import Data.Char import System.Posix.Process import qualified GitRepo as Git import Utility import UUID import Types import Locations data LogLine = LogLine { date :: POSIXTime, status :: LogStatus, uuid :: UUID } deriving (Eq) data LogStatus = ValuePresent | ValueMissing | Undefined deriving (Eq) instance Show LogStatus where show ValuePresent = "1" show ValueMissing = "0" show Undefined = "undefined" instance Read LogStatus where readsPrec _ "1" = [(ValuePresent, "")] readsPrec _ "0" = [(ValueMissing, "")] readsPrec _ _ = [(Undefined, "")] instance Show LogLine where show (LogLine date status uuid) = unwords [(show date), (show status), uuid] instance Read LogLine where -- This parser is robust in that even unparsable log lines are -- read without an exception being thrown. -- Such lines have a status of Undefined. readsPrec _ string = if (length w == 3) then case (pdate) of Just v -> good v Nothing -> undefined else undefined where w = words string date = w !! 0 status = read $ w !! 1 uuid = w !! 2 pdate = (parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%s%Qs" date) :: Maybe UTCTime good v = ret $ LogLine (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds v) status uuid undefined = ret $ LogLine (0) Undefined "" ret v = [(v, "")] {- Log a change in the presence of a key's value in a repository, - and returns the filename of the logfile. -} logChange :: Git.Repo -> Key -> UUID -> LogStatus -> IO (FilePath) logChange repo key uuid status = do log <- logNow status uuid ls <- readLog logfile writeLog logfile (compactLog $ log:ls) return logfile where logfile = logFile repo key {- Reads a log file. - Note that the LogLines returned may be in any order. -} readLog :: FilePath -> IO [LogLine] readLog file = do exists <- doesFileExist file if exists then do s <- readFile file -- filter out any unparsable lines return $ filter (\l -> (status l) /= Undefined ) $ map read $ lines s else do return [] {- Writes a set of lines to a log file -} writeLog :: FilePath -> [LogLine] -> IO () writeLog file lines = do pid <- getProcessID let tmpfile = file ++ ".tmp" ++ show pid createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir file) writeFile tmpfile $ unlines $ map show lines renameFile tmpfile file {- Generates a new LogLine with the current date. -} logNow :: LogStatus -> UUID -> IO LogLine logNow status uuid = do now <- getPOSIXTime return $ LogLine now status uuid {- Returns the filename of the log file for a given key. -} logFile :: Git.Repo -> Key -> String logFile repo key = (gitStateDir repo) ++ (Git.relative repo (keyFile key)) ++ ".log" {- Returns a list of repository UUIDs that, according to the log, have - the value of a key. -} keyLocations :: Git.Repo -> Key -> IO [UUID] keyLocations thisrepo key = do lines <- readLog $ logFile thisrepo key return $ map uuid (filterPresent lines) {- Filters the list of LogLines to find ones where the value - is (or should still be) present. -} filterPresent :: [LogLine] -> [LogLine] filterPresent lines = filter (\l -> ValuePresent == status l) $ compactLog lines {- Compacts a set of logs, returning a subset that contains the current - status. -} compactLog :: [LogLine] -> [LogLine] compactLog lines = compactLog' Map.empty lines compactLog' map [] = Map.elems map compactLog' map (l:ls) = compactLog' (mapLog map l) ls {- Inserts a log into a map of logs, if the log has better (ie, newer) - information about a repo than the other logs in the map -} mapLog map log = if (better) then Map.insert (uuid log) log map else map where better = case Map.lookup (uuid log) map of Just l -> (date l <= date log) Nothing -> True