{- user-specified limits on files to act on - - Copyright 2011-2014 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module Limit where import Common.Annex import qualified Annex import qualified Utility.Matcher import qualified Remote import qualified Backend import Annex.Content import Annex.UUID import Logs.Trust import Config.NumCopies import Types.TrustLevel import Types.Key import Types.Group import Types.FileMatcher import Types.Limit import Types.MetaData import Logs.MetaData import Logs.Group import Logs.Unused import Logs.Location import Git.Types (RefDate(..)) import Utility.Glob import Utility.HumanTime import Utility.DataUnits import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Map as M {- Checks if there are user-specified limits. -} limited :: Annex Bool limited = (not . Utility.Matcher.isEmpty) <$> getMatcher' {- Gets a matcher for the user-specified limits. The matcher is cached for - speed; once it's obtained the user-specified limits can't change. -} getMatcher :: Annex (MatchInfo -> Annex Bool) getMatcher = Utility.Matcher.matchM <$> getMatcher' getMatcher' :: Annex (Utility.Matcher.Matcher (MatchInfo -> Annex Bool)) getMatcher' = do m <- Annex.getState Annex.limit case m of Right r -> return r Left l -> do let matcher = Utility.Matcher.generate (reverse l) Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.limit = Right matcher } return matcher {- Adds something to the limit list, which is built up reversed. -} add :: Utility.Matcher.Token (MatchInfo -> Annex Bool) -> Annex () add l = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.limit = prepend $ Annex.limit s } where prepend (Left ls) = Left $ l:ls prepend _ = error "internal" {- Adds a new token. -} addToken :: String -> Annex () addToken = add . Utility.Matcher.token {- Adds a new limit. -} addLimit :: Either String MatchFiles -> Annex () addLimit = either error (\l -> add $ Utility.Matcher.Operation $ l S.empty) {- Add a limit to skip files that do not match the glob. -} addInclude :: String -> Annex () addInclude = addLimit . limitInclude limitInclude :: MkLimit limitInclude glob = Right $ const $ return . matchGlobFile glob {- Add a limit to skip files that match the glob. -} addExclude :: String -> Annex () addExclude = addLimit . limitExclude limitExclude :: MkLimit limitExclude glob = Right $ const $ return . not . matchGlobFile glob matchGlobFile :: String -> (MatchInfo -> Bool) matchGlobFile glob = go where cglob = compileGlob glob CaseSensative -- memoized go (MatchingKey _) = False go (MatchingFile fi) = matchGlob cglob (matchFile fi) {- Adds a limit to skip files not believed to be present - in a specfied repository. Optionally on a prior date. -} addIn :: String -> Annex () addIn s = addLimit =<< mk where (name, date) = separate (== '@') s mk | name == "." = if null date then use inhere else use . inuuid =<< getUUID | otherwise = use . inuuid =<< Remote.nameToUUID name use a = return $ Right $ \notpresent -> checkKey (a notpresent) inuuid u notpresent key | null date = do us <- Remote.keyLocations key return $ u `elem` us && u `S.notMember` notpresent | otherwise = do us <- loggedLocationsHistorical (RefDate date) key return $ u `elem` us inhere notpresent key | S.null notpresent = inAnnex key | otherwise = do u <- getUUID if u `S.member` notpresent then return False else inAnnex key {- Limit to content that is currently present on a uuid. -} limitPresent :: Maybe UUID -> MkLimit limitPresent u _ = Right $ const $ checkKey $ \key -> do hereu <- getUUID if u == Just hereu || isNothing u then inAnnex key else do us <- Remote.keyLocations key return $ maybe False (`elem` us) u {- Limit to content that is in a directory, anywhere in the repository tree -} limitInDir :: FilePath -> MkLimit limitInDir dir = const $ Right $ const go where go (MatchingFile fi) = return $ elem dir $ splitPath $ takeDirectory $ matchFile fi go (MatchingKey _) = return False {- Adds a limit to skip files not believed to have the specified number - of copies. -} addCopies :: String -> Annex () addCopies = addLimit . limitCopies limitCopies :: MkLimit limitCopies want = case split ":" want of [v, n] -> case parsetrustspec v of Just checker -> go n $ checktrust checker Nothing -> go n $ checkgroup v [n] -> go n $ const $ return True _ -> Left "bad value for copies" where go num good = case readish num of Nothing -> Left "bad number for copies" Just n -> Right $ \notpresent -> checkKey $ handle n good notpresent handle n good notpresent key = do us <- filter (`S.notMember` notpresent) <$> (filterM good =<< Remote.keyLocations key) return $ length us >= n checktrust checker u = checker <$> lookupTrust u checkgroup g u = S.member g <$> lookupGroups u parsetrustspec s | "+" `isSuffixOf` s = (>=) <$> readTrustLevel (beginning s) | otherwise = (==) <$> readTrustLevel s {- Adds a limit to match files that need more copies made. -} addLackingCopies :: Bool -> String -> Annex () addLackingCopies approx = addLimit . limitLackingCopies approx limitLackingCopies :: Bool -> MkLimit limitLackingCopies approx want = case readish want of Just needed -> Right $ \notpresent mi -> flip checkKey mi $ handle mi needed notpresent Nothing -> Left "bad value for number of lacking copies" where handle mi needed notpresent key = do NumCopies numcopies <- if approx then approxNumCopies else case mi of MatchingKey _ -> approxNumCopies MatchingFile fi -> getGlobalFileNumCopies $ matchFile fi us <- filter (`S.notMember` notpresent) <$> (trustExclude UnTrusted =<< Remote.keyLocations key) return $ numcopies - length us >= needed approxNumCopies = fromMaybe defaultNumCopies <$> getGlobalNumCopies {- Match keys that are unused. - - This has a nice optimisation: When a file exists, - its key is obviously not unused. -} limitUnused :: MatchFiles limitUnused _ (MatchingFile _) = return False limitUnused _ (MatchingKey k) = S.member k <$> unusedKeys {- Adds a limit to skip files not believed to be present in all - repositories in the specified group. -} addInAllGroup :: String -> Annex () addInAllGroup groupname = do m <- groupMap addLimit $ limitInAllGroup m groupname limitInAllGroup :: GroupMap -> MkLimit limitInAllGroup m groupname | S.null want = Right $ const $ const $ return True | otherwise = Right $ \notpresent -> checkKey $ check notpresent where want = fromMaybe S.empty $ M.lookup groupname $ uuidsByGroup m check notpresent key -- optimisation: Check if a wanted uuid is notpresent. | not (S.null (S.intersection want notpresent)) = return False | otherwise = do present <- S.fromList <$> Remote.keyLocations key return $ S.null $ want `S.difference` present {- Adds a limit to skip files not using a specified key-value backend. -} addInBackend :: String -> Annex () addInBackend = addLimit . limitInBackend limitInBackend :: MkLimit limitInBackend name = Right $ const $ checkKey check where check key = pure $ keyBackendName key == name {- Adds a limit to skip files that are too large or too small -} addLargerThan :: String -> Annex () addLargerThan = addLimit . limitSize (>) addSmallerThan :: String -> Annex () addSmallerThan = addLimit . limitSize (<) limitSize :: (Maybe Integer -> Maybe Integer -> Bool) -> MkLimit limitSize vs s = case readSize dataUnits s of Nothing -> Left "bad size" Just sz -> Right $ go sz where go sz _ (MatchingFile fi) = lookupFile fi >>= check fi sz go sz _ (MatchingKey key) = checkkey sz key checkkey sz key = return $ keySize key `vs` Just sz check _ sz (Just (key, _)) = checkkey sz key check fi sz Nothing = do filesize <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ fromIntegral . fileSize <$> getFileStatus (relFile fi) return $ filesize `vs` Just sz addMetaData :: String -> Annex () addMetaData = addLimit . limitMetaData limitMetaData :: MkLimit limitMetaData s = case parseMetaData s of Left e -> Left e Right (f, v) -> let cglob = compileGlob (fromMetaValue v) CaseInsensative in Right $ const $ checkKey (check f cglob) where check f cglob k = not . S.null . S.filter (matchGlob cglob . fromMetaValue) . metaDataValues f <$> getCurrentMetaData k addTimeLimit :: String -> Annex () addTimeLimit s = do let seconds = maybe (error "bad time-limit") durationToPOSIXTime $ parseDuration s start <- liftIO getPOSIXTime let cutoff = start + seconds addLimit $ Right $ const $ const $ do now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime if now > cutoff then do warning $ "Time limit (" ++ s ++ ") reached!" liftIO $ exitWith $ ExitFailure 101 else return True lookupFile :: FileInfo -> Annex (Maybe (Key, Backend)) lookupFile = Backend.lookupFile . relFile lookupFileKey :: FileInfo -> Annex (Maybe Key) lookupFileKey = (fst <$>) <$$> Backend.lookupFile . relFile checkKey :: (Key -> Annex Bool) -> MatchInfo -> Annex Bool checkKey a (MatchingFile fi) = lookupFileKey fi >>= maybe (return False) a checkKey a (MatchingKey k) = a k