{- git repository handling - - This is written to be completely independant of git-annex and should be - suitable for other uses. - - -} module GitRepo ( GitRepo, gitRepoCurrent, gitRepoFromPath, gitRepoFromUrl, gitWorkTree, gitDir, gitRelative, gitConfig, gitAdd, gitAttributes ) where import Directory import System import System.Directory import System.Path import System.Cmd.Utils import System.IO import System.Posix.Process import Data.String.Utils import Data.Map as Map hiding (map, split) import Network.URI import Maybe import Utility {- A git repository can be local or remote. -} data GitRepo = LocalGitRepo { top :: FilePath, bare :: Bool, config :: Map String String } | RemoteGitRepo { url :: String, top :: FilePath, config :: Map String String } deriving (Show, Read, Eq) {- Local GitRepo constructor. -} gitRepoFromPath :: FilePath -> IO GitRepo gitRepoFromPath dir = do b <- isBareRepo dir let r = LocalGitRepo { top = dir, bare = b, config = Map.empty } r' <- gitConfigRead r return r' {- Remote GitRepo constructor. Note that remote repo config is not read. - Throws exception on invalid url. -} gitRepoFromUrl :: String -> IO GitRepo gitRepoFromUrl url = do return $ RemoteGitRepo { url = url, top = path url, config = Map.empty } where path url = uriPath $ fromJust $ parseURI url {- Some code needs to vary between remote and local repos, these functions - help with that. -} local repo = case (repo) of LocalGitRepo {} -> True RemoteGitRepo {} -> False remote repo = not $ local repo assertlocal repo action = if (local repo) then action else error "acting on remote git repo not supported" {- Path to a repository's gitattributes file. -} gitAttributes :: GitRepo -> String gitAttributes repo = assertlocal repo $ do if (bare repo) then (top repo) ++ "/info/.gitattributes" else (top repo) ++ "/.gitattributes" {- Path to a repository's .git directory. - (For a bare repository, that is the root of the repository.) - TODO: support GIT_DIR -} gitDir :: GitRepo -> String gitDir repo = assertlocal repo $ if (bare repo) then top repo else top repo ++ "/.git" {- Path to a repository's --work-tree. -} gitWorkTree :: GitRepo -> FilePath gitWorkTree repo = top repo {- Given a relative or absolute filename in a repository, calculates the - name to use to refer to the file relative to a git repository's top. - This is the same form displayed and used by git. -} gitRelative :: GitRepo -> String -> String gitRelative repo file = drop (length absrepo) absfile where -- normalize both repo and file, so that repo -- will be substring of file absrepo = case (absNormPath "/" (top repo)) of Just f -> f ++ "/" Nothing -> error $ "bad repo" ++ (top repo) absfile = case (secureAbsNormPath absrepo file) of Just f -> f Nothing -> error $ file ++ " is not located inside git repository " ++ absrepo {- Stages a changed file in git's index. -} gitAdd :: GitRepo -> FilePath -> IO () gitAdd repo file = runGit repo ["add", file] {- Constructs a git command line operating on the specified repo. -} gitCommandLine :: GitRepo -> [String] -> [String] gitCommandLine repo params = -- force use of specified repo via --git-dir and --work-tree if (local repo) then ["--git-dir="++(gitDir repo), "--work-tree="++(top repo)] ++ params else error "gitCommandLine not implemented for remote repo" {- Runs git in the specified repo. -} runGit :: GitRepo -> [String] -> IO () runGit repo params = if (local repo) then do r <- executeFile "git" True (gitCommandLine repo params) Nothing return () else error "runGit not implemented for remote repo" {- Runs a git subcommand and returns its output. -} gitPipeRead :: GitRepo -> [String] -> IO String gitPipeRead repo params = if (local repo) then pOpen ReadFromPipe "git" (gitCommandLine repo params) $ \h -> do ret <- hGetContentsStrict h return ret else error "gitPipeRead not implemented for remote repo" {- Runs git config and populates a repo with its settings. -} gitConfigRead :: GitRepo -> IO GitRepo gitConfigRead repo = if (local repo) then do c <- gitPipeRead repo ["config", "--list"] return repo { config = gitConfigParse c } else error "gitConfigRead not implemented for remote repo" {- Parses git config --list output into a config map. -} gitConfigParse :: String -> Map.Map String String gitConfigParse s = Map.fromList $ map pair $ lines s where pair l = (key l, val l) key l = (keyval l) !! 0 val l = join sep $ drop 1 $ keyval l keyval l = split sep l :: [String] sep = "=" {- Returns a single git config setting, or a default value if not set. -} gitConfig :: GitRepo -> String -> String -> String gitConfig repo key defaultValue = Map.findWithDefault key defaultValue (config repo) {- Returns a list of a repo's configured remotes. -} gitConfigRemotes :: GitRepo -> IO [GitRepo] gitConfigRemotes repo = mapM construct remotes where remotes = elems $ filter $ config repo filter = filterWithKey (\k _ -> isremote k) isremote k = (startswith "remote." k) && (endswith ".url" k) construct r = if (isURI r) then gitRepoFromUrl r else gitRepoFromPath r {- Finds the current git repository, which may be in a parent directory. -} gitRepoCurrent :: IO GitRepo gitRepoCurrent = do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory top <- seekUp cwd isRepoTop case top of (Just dir) -> gitRepoFromPath dir Nothing -> error "Not in a git repository." seekUp :: String -> (String -> IO Bool) -> IO (Maybe String) seekUp dir want = do ok <- want dir if ok then return (Just dir) else case (parentDir dir) of "" -> return Nothing d -> seekUp d want isRepoTop dir = do r <- isGitRepo dir b <- isBareRepo dir return (r || b) isGitRepo dir = gitSignature dir ".git" ".git/config" isBareRepo dir = gitSignature dir "objects" "config" gitSignature dir subdir file = do s <- (doesDirectoryExist (dir ++ "/" ++ subdir)) f <- (doesFileExist (dir ++ "/" ++ file)) return (s && f)