{- git-union-merge library - - Copyright 2011 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module Git.UnionMerge ( merge, merge_index, update_index, stream_update_index, update_index_line, ls_tree ) where import System.Cmd.Utils import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as L import qualified Data.Set as S import Common import Git import Git.Sha import Git.CatFile import Git.Command type Streamer = (String -> IO ()) -> IO () {- Performs a union merge between two branches, staging it in the index. - Any previously staged changes in the index will be lost. - - Should be run with a temporary index file configured by useIndex. -} merge :: Ref -> Ref -> Repo -> IO () merge x y repo = do h <- catFileStart repo stream_update_index repo [ ls_tree x repo , merge_trees x y h repo ] catFileStop h {- Merges a list of branches into the index. Previously staged changed in - the index are preserved (and participate in the merge). -} merge_index :: CatFileHandle -> Repo -> [Ref] -> IO () merge_index h repo bs = stream_update_index repo $ map (\b -> merge_tree_index b h repo) bs {- Feeds content into update-index. Later items in the list can override - earlier ones, so the list can be generated from any combination of - ls_tree, merge_trees, and merge_tree_index. -} update_index :: Repo -> [String] -> IO () update_index repo ls = stream_update_index repo [(`mapM_` ls)] {- Streams content into update-index. -} stream_update_index :: Repo -> [Streamer] -> IO () stream_update_index repo as = do (p, h) <- hPipeTo "git" (toCommand $ gitCommandLine params repo) forM_ as (stream h) hClose h forceSuccess p where params = map Param ["update-index", "-z", "--index-info"] stream h a = a (streamer h) streamer h s = do hPutStr h s hPutStr h "\0" {- Generates a line suitable to be fed into update-index, to add - a given file with a given sha. -} update_index_line :: Sha -> FilePath -> String update_index_line sha file = "100644 blob " ++ show sha ++ "\t" ++ file {- Gets the current tree for a ref. -} ls_tree :: Ref -> Repo -> Streamer ls_tree (Ref x) repo streamer = mapM_ streamer =<< pipeNullSplit params repo where params = map Param ["ls-tree", "-z", "-r", "--full-tree", x] {- For merging two trees. -} merge_trees :: Ref -> Ref -> CatFileHandle -> Repo -> Streamer merge_trees (Ref x) (Ref y) h = calc_merge h $ "diff-tree":diff_opts ++ [x, y] {- For merging a single tree into the index. -} merge_tree_index :: Ref -> CatFileHandle -> Repo -> Streamer merge_tree_index (Ref x) h = calc_merge h $ "diff-index":diff_opts ++ ["--cached", x] diff_opts :: [String] diff_opts = ["--raw", "-z", "-r", "--no-renames", "-l0"] {- Calculates how to perform a merge, using git to get a raw diff, - and returning a list suitable for update_index. -} calc_merge :: CatFileHandle -> [String] -> Repo -> Streamer calc_merge ch differ repo streamer = gendiff >>= go where gendiff = pipeNullSplit (map Param differ) repo go [] = return () go (info:file:rest) = mergeFile info file ch repo >>= maybe (go rest) (\l -> streamer l >> go rest) go (_:[]) = error "calc_merge parse error" {- Given an info line from a git raw diff, and the filename, generates - a line suitable for update_index that union merges the two sides of the - diff. -} mergeFile :: String -> FilePath -> CatFileHandle -> Repo -> IO (Maybe String) mergeFile info file h repo = case filter (/= nullSha) [Ref asha, Ref bsha] of [] -> return Nothing (sha:[]) -> use sha shas -> use =<< either return (hashObject repo . L.unlines) =<< calcMerge . zip shas <$> mapM getcontents shas where [_colonmode, _bmode, asha, bsha, _status] = words info getcontents s = L.lines . L.decodeUtf8 <$> catObject h s use sha = return $ Just $ update_index_line sha file {- Injects some content into git, returning its Sha. -} hashObject :: Repo -> L.Text -> IO Sha hashObject repo content = getSha subcmd $ do (h, s) <- pipeWriteRead (map Param params) content repo L.length s `seq` do forceSuccess h reap -- XXX unsure why this is needed return $ L.unpack s where subcmd = "hash-object" params = [subcmd, "-w", "--stdin"] {- Calculates a union merge between a list of refs, with contents. - - When possible, reuses the content of an existing ref, rather than - generating new content. -} calcMerge :: [(Ref, [L.Text])] -> Either Ref [L.Text] calcMerge shacontents | null reuseable = Right $ new | otherwise = Left $ fst $ Prelude.head reuseable where reuseable = filter (\c -> sorteduniq (snd c) == new) shacontents new = sorteduniq $ concat $ map snd shacontents sorteduniq = S.toList . S.fromList