{- git ls-tree interface - - Copyright 2011 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module Git.LsTree ( TreeItem(..), lsTree, lsTreeFiles, parseLsTree ) where import Numeric import Control.Applicative import System.Posix.Types import Common import Git import Git.Command import Git.Sha import Git.FilePath import qualified Git.Filename data TreeItem = TreeItem { mode :: FileMode , typeobj :: String , sha :: String , file :: TopFilePath } deriving Show {- Lists the complete contents of a tree, with lazy output. -} lsTree :: Ref -> Repo -> IO [TreeItem] lsTree t repo = map parseLsTree <$> pipeNullSplitZombie ps repo where ps = [Params "ls-tree --full-tree -z -r --", File $ show t] {- Lists specified files in a tree. -} lsTreeFiles :: Ref -> [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO [TreeItem] lsTreeFiles t fs repo = map parseLsTree <$> pipeNullSplitStrict ps repo where ps = [Params "ls-tree -z --", File $ show t] ++ map File fs {- Parses a line of ls-tree output. - (The --long format is not currently supported.) -} parseLsTree :: String -> TreeItem parseLsTree l = TreeItem { mode = fst $ Prelude.head $ readOct m , typeobj = t , sha = s , file = asTopFilePath $ Git.Filename.decode f } where -- l = SP SP TAB -- All fields are fixed, so we can pull them out of -- specific positions in the line. (m, past_m) = splitAt 7 l (t, past_t) = splitAt 4 past_m (s, past_s) = splitAt shaSize $ Prelude.tail past_t f = Prelude.tail past_s