{- git hash-object interface - - Copyright 2011 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module Git.HashObject where import Common import Git import Git.Command {- Injects a set of files into git, returning the shas of the objects - and an IO action to call ones the the shas have been used. -} hashFiles :: [FilePath] -> Repo -> IO ([Sha], IO ()) hashFiles paths repo = do (pid, fromh, toh) <- hPipeBoth "git" $ toCommand $ git_hash_object repo fileEncoding toh _ <- forkProcess (feeder toh) hClose toh shas <- map Ref . lines <$> hGetContentsStrict fromh return (shas, ender fromh pid) where git_hash_object = gitCommandLine [Param "hash-object", Param "-w", Param "--stdin-paths"] feeder toh = do hPutStr toh $ unlines paths hClose toh exitSuccess ender fromh pid = do hClose fromh forceSuccess pid