{- Construction of Git Repo objects - - Copyright 2010-2012 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Git.Construct ( fromCwd, fromAbsPath, fromPath, fromUrl, fromUnknown, localToUrl, remoteNamed, remoteNamedFromKey, fromRemotes, fromRemoteLocation, repoAbsPath, newFrom, checkForRepo, ) where #if 0 import System.Posix.User #endif import qualified Data.Map as M hiding (map, split) import Network.URI import Common import Git.Types import Git import qualified Git.Url as Url import Utility.UserInfo {- Finds the git repository used for the cwd, which may be in a parent - directory. -} fromCwd :: IO (Maybe Repo) fromCwd = getCurrentDirectory >>= seekUp where seekUp dir = do r <- checkForRepo dir case r of Nothing -> case parentDir dir of "" -> return Nothing d -> seekUp d Just loc -> Just <$> newFrom loc {- Local Repo constructor, accepts a relative or absolute path. -} fromPath :: FilePath -> IO Repo fromPath dir = fromAbsPath =<< absPath dir {- Local Repo constructor, requires an absolute path to the repo be - specified. -} fromAbsPath :: FilePath -> IO Repo fromAbsPath dir | "/" `isPrefixOf` dir = ifM (doesDirectoryExist dir') ( ret dir' , hunt ) | otherwise = error $ "internal error, " ++ dir ++ " is not absolute" where ret = newFrom . LocalUnknown {- Git always looks for "dir.git" in preference to - to "dir", even if dir ends in a "/". -} canondir = dropTrailingPathSeparator dir dir' = canondir ++ ".git" {- When dir == "foo/.git", git looks for "foo/.git/.git", - and failing that, uses "foo" as the repository. -} hunt | "/.git" `isSuffixOf` canondir = ifM (doesDirectoryExist $ dir ".git") ( ret dir , ret $ takeDirectory canondir ) | otherwise = ret dir {- Remote Repo constructor. Throws exception on invalid url. - - Git is somewhat forgiving about urls to repositories, allowing - eg spaces that are not normally allowed unescaped in urls. -} fromUrl :: String -> IO Repo fromUrl url | not (isURI url) = fromUrlStrict $ escapeURIString isUnescapedInURI url | otherwise = fromUrlStrict url fromUrlStrict :: String -> IO Repo fromUrlStrict url | startswith "file://" url = fromAbsPath $ uriPath u | otherwise = newFrom $ Url u where u = fromMaybe bad $ parseURI url bad = error $ "bad url " ++ url {- Creates a repo that has an unknown location. -} fromUnknown :: IO Repo fromUnknown = newFrom Unknown {- Converts a local Repo into a remote repo, using the reference repo - which is assumed to be on the same host. -} localToUrl :: Repo -> Repo -> Repo localToUrl reference r | not $ repoIsUrl reference = error "internal error; reference repo not url" | repoIsUrl r = r | otherwise = r { location = Url $ fromJust $ parseURI absurl } where absurl = concat [ Url.scheme reference , "//" , Url.authority reference , repoPath r ] {- Calculates a list of a repo's configured remotes, by parsing its config. -} fromRemotes :: Repo -> IO [Repo] fromRemotes repo = mapM construct remotepairs where filterconfig f = filter f $ M.toList $ config repo filterkeys f = filterconfig (\(k,_) -> f k) remotepairs = filterkeys isremote isremote k = startswith "remote." k && endswith ".url" k construct (k,v) = remoteNamedFromKey k $ fromRemoteLocation v repo {- Sets the name of a remote when constructing the Repo to represent it. -} remoteNamed :: String -> IO Repo -> IO Repo remoteNamed n constructor = do r <- constructor return $ r { remoteName = Just n } {- Sets the name of a remote based on the git config key, such as - "remote.foo.url". -} remoteNamedFromKey :: String -> IO Repo -> IO Repo remoteNamedFromKey k = remoteNamed basename where basename = intercalate "." $ reverse $ drop 1 $ reverse $ drop 1 $ split "." k {- Constructs a new Repo for one of a Repo's remotes using a given - location (ie, an url). -} fromRemoteLocation :: String -> Repo -> IO Repo fromRemoteLocation s repo = gen $ calcloc s where gen v | scpstyle v = fromUrl $ scptourl v | urlstyle v = fromUrl v | otherwise = fromRemotePath v repo -- insteadof config can rewrite remote location calcloc l | null insteadofs = l | otherwise = replacement ++ drop (length bestvalue) l where replacement = drop (length prefix) $ take (length bestkey - length suffix) bestkey (bestkey, bestvalue) = maximumBy longestvalue insteadofs longestvalue (_, a) (_, b) = compare b a insteadofs = filterconfig $ \(k, v) -> startswith prefix k && endswith suffix k && startswith v l filterconfig f = filter f $ concatMap splitconfigs $ M.toList $ fullconfig repo splitconfigs (k, vs) = map (\v -> (k, v)) vs (prefix, suffix) = ("url." , ".insteadof") urlstyle v = isURI v || ":" `isInfixOf` v && "//" `isInfixOf` v -- git remotes can be written scp style -- [user@]host:dir -- but foo::bar is a git-remote-helper location instead scpstyle v = ":" `isInfixOf` v && not ("//" `isInfixOf` v) && not ("::" `isInfixOf` v) scptourl v = "ssh://" ++ host ++ slash dir where (host, dir) = separate (== ':') v slash d | d == "" = "/~/" ++ d | "/" `isPrefixOf` d = d | "~" `isPrefixOf` d = '/':d | otherwise = "/~/" ++ d {- Constructs a Repo from the path specified in the git remotes of - another Repo. -} fromRemotePath :: FilePath -> Repo -> IO Repo fromRemotePath dir repo = do dir' <- expandTilde dir fromAbsPath $ repoPath repo dir' {- Git remotes can have a directory that is specified relative - to the user's home directory, or that contains tilde expansions. - This converts such a directory to an absolute path. - Note that it has to run on the system where the remote is. -} repoAbsPath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath repoAbsPath d = do d' <- expandTilde d h <- myHomeDir return $ h d' expandTilde :: FilePath -> IO FilePath expandTilde = expandt True where expandt _ [] = return "" expandt _ ('/':cs) = do v <- expandt True cs return ('/':v) expandt True ('~':'/':cs) = do h <- myHomeDir return $ h cs expandt True ('~':cs) = do let (name, rest) = findname "" cs u <- getUserEntryForName name return $ homeDirectory u rest expandt _ (c:cs) = do v <- expandt False cs return (c:v) findname n [] = (n, "") findname n (c:cs) | c == '/' = (n, cs) | otherwise = findname (n++[c]) cs {- Checks if a git repository exists in a directory. Does not find - git repositories in parent directories. -} checkForRepo :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe RepoLocation) checkForRepo dir = check isRepo $ check gitDirFile $ check isBareRepo $ return Nothing where check test cont = maybe cont (return . Just) =<< test checkdir c = ifM c ( return $ Just $ LocalUnknown dir , return Nothing ) isRepo = checkdir $ gitSignature $ ".git" "config" isBareRepo = checkdir $ gitSignature "config" <&&> doesDirectoryExist (dir "objects") gitDirFile = do c <- firstLine <$> catchDefaultIO "" (readFile $ dir ".git") return $ if gitdirprefix `isPrefixOf` c then Just $ Local { gitdir = absPathFrom dir $ drop (length gitdirprefix) c , worktree = Just dir } else Nothing where gitdirprefix = "gitdir: " gitSignature file = doesFileExist $ dir file newFrom :: RepoLocation -> IO Repo newFrom l = return Repo { location = l , config = M.empty , fullconfig = M.empty , remotes = [] , remoteName = Nothing , gitEnv = Nothing }