{- git-annex command line -} module Commands (parseCmd) where import System.Console.GetOpt import Control.Monad.State (liftIO) import System.Posix.Files import System.Directory import System.Path import Data.String.Utils import List import IO import qualified GitRepo as Git import qualified Annex import Utility import Locations import qualified Backend import UUID import LocationLog import Types import Core import qualified Remotes import qualified BackendTypes data CmdWants = FilesInGit | FilesNotInGit | FilesInOrNotInGit | RepoName | SingleString data Command = Command { cmdname :: String, cmdaction :: (String -> Annex ()), cmdwants :: CmdWants } cmds :: [Command] cmds = [ (Command "add" addCmd FilesNotInGit) , (Command "get" getCmd FilesInGit) , (Command "drop" dropCmd FilesInGit) , (Command "push" pushCmd RepoName) , (Command "pull" pullCmd RepoName) , (Command "unannex" unannexCmd FilesInGit) , (Command "describe" describeCmd SingleString) , (Command "fix" fixCmd FilesInOrNotInGit) ] options = [ Option ['f'] ["force"] (NoArg Force) "allow actions that may loose annexed data" , Option ['N'] ["no-commit"] (NoArg NoCommit) "do not stage or commit changes" ] {- Finds the type of parameters a command wants, from among the passed - parameter list. -} findWanted :: CmdWants -> [String] -> Git.Repo -> IO [String] findWanted FilesNotInGit params repo = do files <- mapM (Git.notInRepo repo) params return $ foldl (++) [] files findWanted FilesInGit params repo = do files <- mapM (Git.inRepo repo) params return $ foldl (++) [] files findWanted FilesInOrNotInGit params repo = do a <- findWanted FilesInGit params repo b <- findWanted FilesNotInGit params repo return $ union a b findWanted SingleString params _ = do return $ [unwords params] findWanted RepoName params _ = do return $ params {- Parses command line and returns a list of flags and a list of - actions to be run in the Annex monad. -} parseCmd :: [String] -> AnnexState -> IO ([Flag], [Annex ()]) parseCmd argv state = do (flags, params) <- getopt case (length params) of 0 -> error usage _ -> case (lookupCmd (params !! 0)) of [] -> error usage [Command _ action want] -> do f <- findWanted want (drop 1 params) (BackendTypes.repo state) return (flags, map action $ filter notstate f) where -- never include files from the state directory notstate f = stateLoc /= take (length stateLoc) f getopt = case getOpt Permute options argv of (flags, params, []) -> return (flags, params) (_, _, errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usage)) lookupCmd cmd = filter (\c -> cmd == cmdname c) cmds header = "Usage: git-annex [" ++ (join "|" $ map cmdname cmds) ++ "] ..." usage = usageInfo header options {- Annexes a file, storing it in a backend, and then moving it into - the annex directory and setting up the symlink pointing to its content. -} addCmd :: FilePath -> Annex () addCmd file = inBackend file err $ do liftIO $ checkLegal file g <- Annex.gitRepo stored <- Backend.storeFileKey file case (stored) of Nothing -> error $ "no backend could store: " ++ file Just (key, backend) -> do logStatus key ValuePresent setup g key where err = error $ "already annexed " ++ file checkLegal file = do s <- getSymbolicLinkStatus file if ((isSymbolicLink s) || (not $ isRegularFile s)) then error $ "not a regular file: " ++ file else return () setup g key = do let dest = annexLocation g key liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir dest) liftIO $ renameFile file dest link <- calcGitLink file key liftIO $ createSymbolicLink link file gitAdd file $ Just $ "git-annex annexed " ++ file {- Undo addCmd. -} unannexCmd :: FilePath -> Annex () unannexCmd file = notinBackend file err $ \(key, backend) -> do Backend.removeKey backend key logStatus key ValueMissing g <- Annex.gitRepo let src = annexLocation g key moveout g src where err = error $ "not annexed " ++ file moveout g src = do nocommit <- Annex.flagIsSet NoCommit liftIO $ removeFile file liftIO $ Git.run g ["rm", file] if (not nocommit) then liftIO $ Git.run g ["commit", "-m", ("git-annex unannexed " ++ file), file] else return () -- git rm deletes empty directories; -- put them back liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir file) liftIO $ renameFile src file return () {- Gets an annexed file from one of the backends. -} getCmd :: FilePath -> Annex () getCmd file = notinBackend file err $ \(key, backend) -> do inannex <- inAnnex key if (inannex) then return () else do g <- Annex.gitRepo let dest = annexLocation g key liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir dest) success <- Backend.retrieveKeyFile backend key dest if (success) then do logStatus key ValuePresent return () else error $ "failed to get " ++ file where err = error $ "not annexed " ++ file {- Indicates a file's content is not wanted anymore, and should be removed - if it's safe to do so. -} dropCmd :: FilePath -> Annex () dropCmd file = notinBackend file err $ \(key, backend) -> do inbackend <- Backend.hasKey key if (not inbackend) then return () -- no-op else do success <- Backend.removeKey backend key if (success) then cleanup key else error $ "backend refused to drop " ++ file where cleanup key = do logStatus key ValueMissing inannex <- inAnnex key if (inannex) then do g <- Annex.gitRepo let loc = annexLocation g key liftIO $ removeFile loc return () else return () err = error $ "not annexed " ++ file {- Fixes the symlink to an annexed file. -} fixCmd :: String -> Annex () fixCmd file = notinBackend file err $ \(key, backend) -> do liftIO $ putStrLn $ "fix " ++ file link <- calcGitLink file key checkLegal file link liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir file) liftIO $ removeFile file liftIO $ createSymbolicLink link file gitAdd file $ Just $ "git-annex fix " ++ file where checkLegal file link = do l <- liftIO $ readSymbolicLink file if (link == l) then error $ "symbolic link already ok for: " ++ file else return () err = error $ "not annexed " ++ file {- Pushes all files to a remote repository. -} pushCmd :: String -> Annex () pushCmd reponame = do error "not implemented" -- TODO {- Pulls all files from a remote repository. -} pullCmd :: String -> Annex () pullCmd reponame = do error "not implemented" -- TODO {- Stores description for the repository. -} describeCmd :: String -> Annex () describeCmd description = do g <- Annex.gitRepo u <- getUUID g describeUUID u description log <- uuidLog gitAdd log $ Just $ "description for UUID " ++ (show u) liftIO $ putStrLn "description set" -- helpers inBackend file yes no = do r <- Backend.lookupFile file case (r) of Just v -> yes v Nothing -> no notinBackend file yes no = inBackend file no yes