{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {- git-annex watch daemon - - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. - - Overview of threads and MVars, etc: - - Thread 1: parent - The initial thread run, double forks to background, starts other - threads, and then stops, waiting for them to terminate, - or for a ctrl-c. - Thread 2: inotify - Notices new files, and calls handlers for events, queuing changes. - Thread 3: inotify internal - Used by haskell inotify library to ensure inotify event buffer is - kept drained. - Thread 4: committer - Waits for changes to occur, and runs the git queue to update its - index, then commits. - - State MVar: - The Annex state is stored here, which allows resuscitating the - Annex monad in IO actions run by the inotify and committer - threads. Thus, a single state is shared amoung the threads, and - only one at a time can access it. - ChangeChan STM TChan: - Changes are indicated by writing to this channel. The committer - reads from it. -} module Command.Watch where import Common.Annex import Command import Utility.Daemon import Utility.LogFile import Utility.ThreadLock import qualified Annex import qualified Annex.Queue import qualified Command.Add import qualified Git.Command import qualified Git.UpdateIndex import qualified Git.HashObject import qualified Backend import Annex.Content import Annex.CatFile import Git.Types import Option import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.STM import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Bits.Utils import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L #if defined linux_HOST_OS import Utility.Inotify import System.INotify #endif type ChangeChan = TChan Change type Handler = FilePath -> Annex (Maybe Change) data Change = Change { changeTime :: UTCTime , changeFile :: FilePath , changeDesc :: String } deriving (Show) def :: [Command] def = [withOptions [foregroundOption, stopOption] $ command "watch" paramPaths seek "watch for changes"] seek :: [CommandSeek] seek = [withFlag stopOption $ \stopdaemon -> withFlag foregroundOption $ \foreground -> withNothing $ start foreground stopdaemon] foregroundOption :: Option foregroundOption = Option.flag [] "foreground" "do not daemonize" stopOption :: Option stopOption = Option.flag [] "stop" "stop daemon" start :: Bool -> Bool -> CommandStart start foreground stopdaemon = notBareRepo $ do if stopdaemon then liftIO . stopDaemon =<< fromRepo gitAnnexPidFile else withStateMVar $ startDaemon (not foreground) stop startDaemon :: Bool -> MVar Annex.AnnexState -> Annex () startDaemon False st = do showStart "watch" "." liftIO $ watch st startDaemon True st = do logfd <- liftIO . openLog =<< fromRepo gitAnnexLogFile pidfile <- fromRepo gitAnnexPidFile liftIO $ daemonize logfd (Just pidfile) False $ watch st watch :: MVar Annex.AnnexState -> IO () #if defined linux_HOST_OS watch st = withINotify $ \i -> do changechan <- runChangeChan newTChan let hook a = Just $ runHandler st changechan a let hooks = WatchHooks { addHook = hook onAdd , delHook = hook onDel , addSymlinkHook = hook onAddSymlink , delDirHook = hook onDelDir , errHook = hook onErr } -- The commit thread is started early, so that the user -- can immediately begin adding files and having them -- committed, even while the inotify scan is taking place. _ <- forkIO $ commitThread st changechan -- This does not return until the inotify scan is done. -- That can take some time for large trees. watchDir i "." (ignored . takeFileName) hooks runStateMVar st $ showAction "scanning" -- Notice any files that were deleted before inotify -- was started. runStateMVar st $ do inRepo $ Git.Command.run "add" [Param "--update"] showAction "started" waitForTermination #else watch = error "watch mode is so far only available on Linux" #endif ignored :: FilePath -> Bool ignored ".git" = True ignored ".gitignore" = True ignored ".gitattributes" = True ignored _ = False {- Stores the Annex state in a MVar, so that threaded actions can access - it. - - Once the action is finished, retrieves the state from the MVar. -} withStateMVar :: (MVar Annex.AnnexState -> Annex a) -> Annex a withStateMVar a = do state <- Annex.getState id mvar <- liftIO $ newMVar state r <- a mvar newstate <- liftIO $ takeMVar mvar Annex.changeState (const newstate) return r {- Runs an Annex action, using the state from the MVar. -} runStateMVar :: MVar Annex.AnnexState -> Annex a -> IO a runStateMVar mvar a = do liftIO $ putStrLn "takeMVar" startstate <- takeMVar mvar !(r, newstate) <- Annex.run startstate a liftIO $ putStrLn "putMVar" putMVar mvar newstate return r runChangeChan :: STM a -> IO a runChangeChan = atomically {- Runs an action handler, inside the Annex monad, and if there was a - change, adds it to the ChangeChan. - - Exceptions are ignored, otherwise a whole watcher thread could be crashed. -} runHandler :: MVar Annex.AnnexState -> ChangeChan -> Handler -> FilePath -> IO () runHandler st changechan handler file = void $ do r <- tryIO (runStateMVar st $ handler file) case r of Left e -> print e Right Nothing -> noop Right (Just change) -> void $ runChangeChan $ writeTChan changechan change {- Handlers call this when they made a change that needs to get committed. -} madeChange :: FilePath -> String -> Annex (Maybe Change) madeChange file desc = do -- Just in case the commit thread is not flushing the queue fast enough. Annex.Queue.flushWhenFull liftIO $ Just <$> (Change <$> getCurrentTime <*> pure file <*> pure desc) noChange :: Annex (Maybe Change) noChange = return Nothing {- Adding a file is tricky; the file has to be replaced with a symlink - but this is race prone, as the symlink could be changed immediately - after creation. To avoid that race, git add is not used to stage the - symlink. - - Inotify will notice the new symlink, so this Handler does not stage it - or return a Change, leaving that to onAddSymlink. -} onAdd :: Handler onAdd file = do showStart "add" file handle =<< Command.Add.ingest file noChange where handle Nothing = showEndFail handle (Just key) = do Command.Add.link file key True showEndOk {- A symlink might be an arbitrary symlink, which is just added. - Or, if it is a git-annex symlink, ensure it points to the content - before adding it. -} onAddSymlink :: Handler onAddSymlink file = go =<< Backend.lookupFile file where go Nothing = addlink =<< liftIO (readSymbolicLink file) go (Just (key, _)) = do link <- calcGitLink file key ifM ((==) link <$> liftIO (readSymbolicLink file)) ( addlink link , do liftIO $ removeFile file liftIO $ createSymbolicLink link file addlink link ) {- This is often called on symlinks that are already staged - correctly, especially during the startup scan. A symlink - may have been deleted and re-added, or added when - the watcher was not running; so it always stages - even symlinks that already exist. - - So for speed, tries to reuse the existing blob for - the symlink target. -} addlink link = do v <- catObjectDetails $ Ref $ ':':file case v of Just (currlink, sha) | s2w8 link == L.unpack currlink -> stageSymlink file sha _ -> do sha <- inRepo $ Git.HashObject.hashObject BlobObject link stageSymlink file sha madeChange file "link" onDel :: Handler onDel file = do Annex.Queue.addUpdateIndex =<< inRepo (Git.UpdateIndex.unstageFile file) madeChange file "rm" {- A directory has been deleted, or moved, so tell git to remove anything - that was inside it from its cache. Since it could reappear at any time, - use --cached to only delete it from the index. - - Note: This could use unstageFile, but would need to run another git - command to get the recursive list of files in the directory, so rm is - just as good. -} onDelDir :: Handler onDelDir dir = do Annex.Queue.addCommand "rm" [Params "--quiet -r --cached --ignore-unmatch --"] [dir] madeChange dir "rmdir" {- Called when there's an error with inotify. -} onErr :: Handler onErr msg = do warning msg return Nothing {- Adds a symlink to the index, without ever accessing the actual symlink - on disk. -} stageSymlink :: FilePath -> Sha -> Annex () stageSymlink file sha = Annex.Queue.addUpdateIndex =<< inRepo (Git.UpdateIndex.stageSymlink file sha) {- Gets all unhandled changes. - Blocks until at least one change is made. -} getChanges :: ChangeChan -> IO [Change] getChanges chan = runChangeChan $ do c <- readTChan chan go [c] where go l = do v <- tryReadTChan chan case v of Nothing -> return l Just c -> go (c:l) {- Puts unhandled changes back into the channel. - Note: Original order is not preserved. -} refillChanges :: ChangeChan -> [Change] -> IO () refillChanges chan cs = runChangeChan $ mapM_ (writeTChan chan) cs {- This thread makes git commits at appropriate times. -} commitThread :: MVar Annex.AnnexState -> ChangeChan -> IO () commitThread st changechan = forever $ do -- First, a simple rate limiter. threadDelay oneSecond -- Next, wait until at least one change has been made. cs <- getChanges changechan -- Now see if now's a good time to commit. time <- getCurrentTime if shouldCommit time cs then void $ tryIO $ runStateMVar st commitStaged else refillChanges changechan cs where oneSecond = 1000000 -- microseconds commitStaged :: Annex () commitStaged = do Annex.Queue.flush inRepo $ Git.Command.run "commit" [ Param "--allow-empty-message" , Param "-m", Param "" -- Empty commits may be made if tree changes cancel -- each other out, etc , Param "--allow-empty" -- Avoid running the usual git-annex pre-commit hook; -- watch does the same symlink fixing, and we don't want -- to deal with unlocked files in these commits. , Param "--quiet" ] {- Decide if now is a good time to make a commit. - Note that the list of change times has an undefined order. - - Current strategy: If there have been 10 commits within the past second, - a batch activity is taking place, so wait for later. -} shouldCommit :: UTCTime -> [Change] -> Bool shouldCommit now changes | len == 0 = False | len > 4096 = True -- avoid bloating queue too much | length (filter thisSecond changes) < 10 = True | otherwise = False -- batch activity where len = length changes thisSecond c = now `diffUTCTime` changeTime c <= 1