{- git-annex command, used internally by assistant
 - Copyright 2012, 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
 - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}

module Command.TransferKeys where

import Common.Annex
import Command
import Annex.Content
import Logs.Location
import Logs.Transfer
import qualified Remote
import Types.Key

import GHC.IO.Handle

data TransferRequest = TransferRequest Direction Remote Key AssociatedFile

def :: [Command]
def = [command "transferkeys" paramNothing seek
	SectionPlumbing "transfers keys"]

seek :: [CommandSeek]
seek = [withNothing start]

start :: CommandStart
start = withHandles $ \(readh, writeh) -> do
	runRequests readh writeh runner
	runner (TransferRequest direction remote key file)
		| direction == Upload = 
			upload (Remote.uuid remote) key file forwardRetry $ \p -> do
				ok <- Remote.storeKey remote key file p
				when ok $
					Remote.logStatus remote key InfoPresent
				return ok
		| otherwise = download (Remote.uuid remote) key file forwardRetry $ \p ->
			getViaTmp key $ \t -> Remote.retrieveKeyFile remote key file t p

{- stdin and stdout are connected with the caller, to be used for
 - communication with it. But doing a transfer might involve something
 - that tries to read from stdin, or write to stdout. To avoid that, close
 - stdin, and duplicate stderr to stdout. Return two new handles
 - that are duplicates of the original (stdin, stdout). -}
withHandles :: ((Handle, Handle) -> Annex a) -> Annex a
withHandles a = do
	readh <- liftIO $ hDuplicate stdin
	writeh <- liftIO $ hDuplicate stdout
	liftIO $ do
		nullh <- openFile devNull ReadMode
		nullh `hDuplicateTo` stdin
		stderr `hDuplicateTo` stdout
	a (readh, writeh)

	:: Handle
	-> Handle
	-> (TransferRequest -> Annex Bool)
	-> Annex ()
runRequests readh writeh a = do
	liftIO $ do
		hSetBuffering readh NoBuffering
		fileEncoding readh
		fileEncoding writeh
	go =<< readrequests
  	go (d:u:k:f:rest) = do
		case (deserialize d, deserialize u, deserialize k, deserialize f) of
			(Just direction, Just uuid, Just key, Just file) -> do
				mremote <- Remote.remoteFromUUID uuid
				case mremote of
					Nothing -> sendresult False
					Just remote -> sendresult =<< a
						(TransferRequest direction remote key file)
			_ -> sendresult False
		go rest
	go [] = noop
	go [""] = noop
	go v = error $ "transferkeys protocol error: " ++ show v

	readrequests = liftIO $ split fieldSep <$> hGetContents readh
	sendresult b = liftIO $ do
		hPutStrLn writeh $ serialize b
		hFlush writeh

sendRequest :: Transfer -> AssociatedFile -> Handle -> IO ()
sendRequest t f h = do
	hPutStr h $ intercalate fieldSep
		[ serialize (transferDirection t)
		, serialize (transferUUID t)
		, serialize (transferKey t)
		, serialize f
		, "" -- adds a trailing null
	hFlush h

readResponse :: Handle -> IO Bool
readResponse h = fromMaybe False . deserialize <$> hGetLine h

fieldSep :: String
fieldSep = "\0"

class Serialized a where
	serialize :: a -> String
	deserialize :: String -> Maybe a

instance Serialized Bool where
	serialize True = "1"
	serialize False = "0"
	deserialize "1" = Just True
	deserialize "0" = Just False
	deserialize _ = Nothing

instance Serialized Direction where
	serialize Upload = "u"
	serialize Download = "d"
	deserialize "u" = Just Upload
	deserialize "d" = Just Download
	deserialize _ = Nothing

instance Serialized AssociatedFile where
	serialize (Just f) = f
	serialize Nothing = ""
	deserialize "" = Just Nothing
	deserialize f = Just $ Just f

instance Serialized UUID where
	serialize = fromUUID
	deserialize = Just . toUUID

instance Serialized Key where
	serialize = key2file
	deserialize = file2key