{- git-annex command - - Copyright 2011 Joachim Breitner - Copyright 2011-2014 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module Command.Sync where import Common.Annex import Command import qualified Annex import qualified Annex.Branch import qualified Annex.Queue import qualified Remote import qualified Types.Remote as Remote import Annex.Direct import Annex.CatFile import Annex.Link import Annex.Hook import qualified Git.Command import qualified Git.LsFiles as LsFiles import qualified Git.Merge import qualified Git.Branch import qualified Git.Ref import qualified Git import Git.Types (BlobType(..)) import qualified Types.Remote import qualified Remote.Git import Config import Annex.ReplaceFile import Git.FileMode import Annex.Wanted import Annex.Content import Command.Get (getKeyFile') import qualified Command.Move import Logs.Location import Annex.Drop import Annex.UUID import Annex.VariantFile import qualified Data.Set as S import Control.Concurrent.MVar def :: [Command] def = [withOptions syncOptions $ command "sync" (paramOptional (paramRepeating paramRemote)) seek SectionCommon "synchronize local repository with remotes"] syncOptions :: [Option] syncOptions = [ contentOption ] contentOption :: Option contentOption = flagOption [] "content" "also transfer file contents" seek :: CommandSeek seek rs = do prepMerge -- There may not be a branch checked out until after the commit, -- or perhaps after it gets merged from the remote. -- So only look it up once it's needed, and if once there is a -- branch, cache it. mvar <- liftIO newEmptyMVar let getbranch = ifM (liftIO $ isEmptyMVar mvar) ( do branch <- inRepo Git.Branch.current when (isJust branch) $ liftIO $ putMVar mvar branch return branch , liftIO $ readMVar mvar ) let withbranch a = a =<< getbranch remotes <- syncRemotes rs let gitremotes = filter Remote.gitSyncableRemote remotes let dataremotes = filter (not . remoteAnnexIgnore . Remote.gitconfig) remotes -- Syncing involves many actions, any of which can independently -- fail, without preventing the others from running. seekActions $ return $ concat [ [ commit ] , [ withbranch mergeLocal ] , map (withbranch . pullRemote) gitremotes , [ mergeAnnex ] ] whenM (Annex.getFlag $ optionName contentOption) $ whenM (seekSyncContent dataremotes) $ -- Transferring content can take a while, -- and other changes can be pushed to the git-annex -- branch on the remotes in the meantime, so pull -- and merge again to avoid our push overwriting -- those changes. seekActions $ return $ concat [ map (withbranch . pullRemote) gitremotes , [ commitAnnex, mergeAnnex ] ] seekActions $ return $ concat [ [ withbranch pushLocal ] , map (withbranch . pushRemote) gitremotes ] {- Merging may delete the current directory, so go to the top - of the repo. This also means that sync always acts on all files in the - repository, not just on a subdirectory. -} prepMerge :: Annex () prepMerge = liftIO . setCurrentDirectory =<< fromRepo Git.repoPath syncBranch :: Git.Ref -> Git.Ref syncBranch = Git.Ref.under "refs/heads/synced" . fromDirectBranch remoteBranch :: Remote -> Git.Ref -> Git.Ref remoteBranch remote = Git.Ref.underBase $ "refs/remotes/" ++ Remote.name remote syncRemotes :: [String] -> Annex [Remote] syncRemotes rs = ifM (Annex.getState Annex.fast) ( nub <$> pickfast , wanted ) where pickfast = (++) <$> listed <*> (filterM good =<< fastest <$> available) wanted | null rs = filterM good =<< concat . Remote.byCost <$> available | otherwise = listed listed = catMaybes <$> mapM (Remote.byName . Just) rs available = filter (remoteAnnexSync . Types.Remote.gitconfig) . filter (not . Remote.isXMPPRemote) <$> Remote.remoteList good r | Remote.gitSyncableRemote r = Remote.Git.repoAvail $ Types.Remote.repo r | otherwise = return True fastest = fromMaybe [] . headMaybe . Remote.byCost commit :: CommandStart commit = next $ next $ ifM isDirect ( do showStart "commit" "" void stageDirect void preCommitDirect commitStaged commitmessage , do showStart "commit" "" Annex.Branch.commit "update" -- Commit will fail when the tree is clean, so ignore failure. _ <- inRepo $ tryIO . Git.Command.runQuiet [ Param "commit" , Param "-a" , Param "-m" , Param commitmessage ] return True ) where commitmessage = "git-annex automatic sync" commitStaged :: String -> Annex Bool commitStaged commitmessage = go =<< inRepo Git.Branch.currentUnsafe where go Nothing = return False go (Just branch) = do runAnnexHook preCommitAnnexHook parent <- inRepo $ Git.Ref.sha branch void $ inRepo $ Git.Branch.commit False commitmessage branch (maybeToList parent) return True mergeLocal :: Maybe Git.Ref -> CommandStart mergeLocal Nothing = stop mergeLocal (Just branch) = go =<< needmerge where syncbranch = syncBranch branch needmerge = ifM isBareRepo ( return False , do unlessM (inRepo $ Git.Ref.exists syncbranch) $ inRepo $ updateBranch syncbranch inRepo $ Git.Branch.changed branch syncbranch ) go False = stop go True = do showStart "merge" $ Git.Ref.describe syncbranch next $ next $ mergeFrom syncbranch pushLocal :: Maybe Git.Ref -> CommandStart pushLocal Nothing = stop pushLocal (Just branch) = do -- Update the sync branch to match the new state of the branch inRepo $ updateBranch $ syncBranch branch -- In direct mode, we're operating on some special direct mode -- branch, rather than the intended branch, so update the indended -- branch. whenM isDirect $ inRepo $ updateBranch $ fromDirectBranch branch stop updateBranch :: Git.Ref -> Git.Repo -> IO () updateBranch syncbranch g = unlessM go $ error $ "failed to update " ++ Git.fromRef syncbranch where go = Git.Command.runBool [ Param "branch" , Param "-f" , Param $ Git.fromRef $ Git.Ref.base syncbranch ] g pullRemote :: Remote -> Maybe Git.Ref -> CommandStart pullRemote remote branch = do showStart "pull" (Remote.name remote) next $ do showOutput stopUnless fetch $ next $ mergeRemote remote branch where fetch = inRepo $ Git.Command.runBool [Param "fetch", Param $ Remote.name remote] {- The remote probably has both a master and a synced/master branch. - Which to merge from? Well, the master has whatever latest changes - were committed (or pushed changes, if this is a bare remote), - while the synced/master may have changes that some - other remote synced to this remote. So, merge them both. -} mergeRemote :: Remote -> Maybe Git.Ref -> CommandCleanup mergeRemote remote b = case b of Nothing -> do branch <- inRepo Git.Branch.currentUnsafe and <$> mapM merge (branchlist branch) Just _ -> and <$> (mapM merge =<< tomerge (branchlist b)) where merge = mergeFrom . remoteBranch remote tomerge = filterM (changed remote) branchlist Nothing = [] branchlist (Just branch) = [branch, syncBranch branch] pushRemote :: Remote -> Maybe Git.Ref -> CommandStart pushRemote _remote Nothing = stop pushRemote remote (Just branch) = go =<< needpush where needpush | remoteAnnexReadOnly (Types.Remote.gitconfig remote) = return False | otherwise = anyM (newer remote) [syncBranch branch, Annex.Branch.name] go False = stop go True = do showStart "push" (Remote.name remote) next $ next $ do showOutput ok <- inRepo $ pushBranch remote branch unless ok $ do warning $ unwords [ "Pushing to " ++ Remote.name remote ++ " failed." ] showLongNote "(non-fast-forward problems can be solved by setting receive.denyNonFastforwards to false in the remote's git config)" return ok {- Pushes a regular branch like master to a remote. Also pushes the git-annex - branch. - - If the remote is a bare git repository, it's best to push the regular - branch directly to it, so that cloning/pulling will get it. - On the other hand, if it's not bare, pushing to the checked out branch - will fail, and this is why we push to its syncBranch. - - Git offers no way to tell if a remote is bare or not, so both methods - are tried. - - The direct push is likely to spew an ugly error message, so stderr is - elided. Since git progress display goes to stderr too, the sync push - is done first, and actually sends the data. Then the direct push is - tried, with stderr discarded, to update the branch ref on the remote. - - The sync push forces the update of the remote synced/git-annex branch. - This is necessary if a transition has rewritten the git-annex branch. - Normally any changes to the git-annex branch get pulled and merged before - this push, so this forcing is unlikely to overwrite new data pushed - in from another repository that is also syncing. - - But overwriting of data on synced/git-annex can happen, in a race. - The only difference caused by using a forced push in that case is that - the last repository to push wins the race, rather than the first to push. - - The sync push will fail to overwrite if receive.denyNonFastforwards is - set on the remote. -} pushBranch :: Remote -> Git.Ref -> Git.Repo -> IO Bool pushBranch remote branch g = tryIO (directpush g) `after` syncpush g where syncpush = Git.Command.runBool $ pushparams [ Git.Branch.forcePush $ refspec Annex.Branch.name , refspec branch ] directpush = Git.Command.runQuiet $ pushparams [Git.fromRef $ Git.Ref.base $ fromDirectBranch branch] pushparams branches = [ Param "push" , Param $ Remote.name remote ] ++ map Param branches refspec b = concat [ Git.fromRef $ Git.Ref.base b , ":" , Git.fromRef $ Git.Ref.base $ syncBranch b ] commitAnnex :: CommandStart commitAnnex = do Annex.Branch.commit "update" stop mergeAnnex :: CommandStart mergeAnnex = do void Annex.Branch.forceUpdate stop {- Merges from a branch into the current branch. -} mergeFrom :: Git.Ref -> Annex Bool mergeFrom branch = do showOutput ifM isDirect ( maybe go godirect =<< inRepo Git.Branch.current , go ) where go = inRepo (Git.Merge.mergeNonInteractive branch) <||> resolveMerge godirect currbranch = do old <- inRepo $ Git.Ref.sha currbranch d <- fromRepo gitAnnexMergeDir r <- inRepo (mergeDirect d branch) <||> resolveMerge new <- inRepo $ Git.Ref.sha currbranch case (old, new) of (Just oldsha, Just newsha) -> mergeDirectCleanup d oldsha newsha _ -> noop return r {- Resolves a conflicted merge. It's important that any conflicts be - resolved in a way that itself avoids later merge conflicts, since - multiple repositories may be doing this concurrently. - - Only annexed files are resolved; other files are left for the user to - handle. - - This uses the Keys pointed to by the files to construct new - filenames. So when both sides modified file foo, - it will be deleted, and replaced with files foo.variant-A and - foo.variant-B. - - On the other hand, when one side deleted foo, and the other modified it, - it will be deleted, and the modified version stored as file - foo.variant-A (or B). - - It's also possible that one side has foo as an annexed file, and - the other as a directory or non-annexed file. The annexed file - is renamed to resolve the merge, and the other object is preserved as-is. - - In indirect mode, the merge is resolved in the work tree and files - staged, to clean up from a conflicted merge that was run in the work - tree. In direct mode, the work tree is not touched here; files are - staged to the index, and written to the gitAnnexMergeDir, and later - mergeDirectCleanup handles updating the work tree. -} resolveMerge :: Annex Bool resolveMerge = do top <- fromRepo Git.repoPath (fs, cleanup) <- inRepo (LsFiles.unmerged [top]) mergedfs <- catMaybes <$> mapM resolveMerge' fs let merged = not (null mergedfs) void $ liftIO cleanup unlessM isDirect $ do (deleted, cleanup2) <- inRepo (LsFiles.deleted [top]) unless (null deleted) $ Annex.Queue.addCommand "rm" [Params "--quiet -f --"] deleted void $ liftIO cleanup2 when merged $ do unlessM isDirect $ cleanConflictCruft mergedfs top Annex.Queue.flush void $ inRepo $ Git.Command.runBool [ Param "commit" , Param "-m" , Param "git-annex automatic merge conflict fix" ] showLongNote "Merge conflict was automatically resolved; you may want to examine the result." return merged resolveMerge' :: LsFiles.Unmerged -> Annex (Maybe FilePath) resolveMerge' u | mergeable LsFiles.valUs && mergeable LsFiles.valThem = do kus <- getKey LsFiles.valUs kthem <- getKey LsFiles.valThem case (kus, kthem) of -- Both sides of conflict are annexed files (Just keyUs, Just keyThem) -> do unstageoldfile if keyUs == keyThem then makelink keyUs else do makelink keyUs makelink keyThem return $ Just file -- Our side is annexed, other side is not. (Just keyUs, Nothing) -> do unstageoldfile whenM isDirect $ stagefromdirectmergedir file makelink keyUs return $ Just file -- Our side is not annexed, other side is. (Nothing, Just keyThem) -> do unstageoldfile makelink keyThem return $ Just file -- Neither side is annexed; cannot resolve. (Nothing, Nothing) -> return Nothing | otherwise = return Nothing where file = LsFiles.unmergedFile u mergeable select = select (LsFiles.unmergedBlobType u) `elem` [Just SymlinkBlob, Nothing] makelink key = do let dest = variantFile file key l <- inRepo $ gitAnnexLink dest key ifM isDirect ( do d <- fromRepo gitAnnexMergeDir replaceFile (d dest) $ makeAnnexLink l , replaceFile dest $ makeAnnexLink l ) stageSymlink dest =<< hashSymlink l getKey select = case select (LsFiles.unmergedSha u) of Nothing -> return Nothing Just sha -> catKey sha symLinkMode -- removing the conflicted file from cache clears the conflict unstageoldfile = Annex.Queue.addCommand "rm" [Params "--quiet -f --cached --"] [file] {- stage an item from the direct mode merge directory -} stagefromdirectmergedir item = do d <- fromRepo gitAnnexMergeDir l <- liftIO $ dirContentsRecursive (d item) if null l then go (d item) else mapM_ go l where go f = do v <- getAnnexLinkTarget f case v of Just target -> stageSymlink f =<< hashSymlink target Nothing -> noop {- git-merge moves conflicting files away to files - named something like f~HEAD or f~branch, but the - exact name chosen can vary. Once the conflict is resolved, - this cruft can be deleted. To avoid deleting legitimate - files that look like this, only delete files that are - A) not staged in git and B) look like git-annex symlinks. -} cleanConflictCruft :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Annex () cleanConflictCruft resolvedfs top = do (fs, cleanup) <- inRepo $ LsFiles.notInRepo False [top] mapM_ clean fs void $ liftIO cleanup where clean f | matchesresolved f = whenM (isJust <$> isAnnexLink f) $ liftIO $ nukeFile f | otherwise = noop s = S.fromList resolvedfs matchesresolved f = S.member (base f) s base f = reverse $ drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= '~') $ reverse f changed :: Remote -> Git.Ref -> Annex Bool changed remote b = do let r = remoteBranch remote b ifM (inRepo $ Git.Ref.exists r) ( inRepo $ Git.Branch.changed b r , return False ) newer :: Remote -> Git.Ref -> Annex Bool newer remote b = do let r = remoteBranch remote b ifM (inRepo $ Git.Ref.exists r) ( inRepo $ Git.Branch.changed r b , return True ) {- If it's preferred content, and we don't have it, get it from one of the - listed remotes (preferring the cheaper earlier ones). - - Send it to each remote that doesn't have it, and for which it's - preferred content. - - Drop it locally if it's not preferred content (honoring numcopies). - - Drop it from each remote that has it, where it's not preferred content - (honoring numcopies). - - If any file movements were generated, returns true. -} seekSyncContent :: [Remote] -> Annex Bool seekSyncContent rs = do mvar <- liftIO newEmptyMVar mapM_ (go mvar) =<< seekHelper LsFiles.inRepo [] liftIO $ not <$> isEmptyMVar mvar where go mvar f = ifAnnexed f (\v -> void (liftIO (tryPutMVar mvar ())) >> syncFile rs f v) noop syncFile :: [Remote] -> FilePath -> (Key, Backend) -> Annex () syncFile rs f (k, _) = do locs <- loggedLocations k let (have, lack) = partition (\r -> Remote.uuid r `elem` locs) rs got <- anyM id =<< handleget have putrs <- catMaybes . snd . unzip <$> (sequence =<< handleput lack) u <- getUUID let locs' = concat [[u | got], putrs, locs] -- Using callCommandAction rather than commandAction for drops, -- because a failure to drop does not mean the sync failed. handleDropsFrom locs' rs "unwanted" True k (Just f) Nothing callCommandAction where wantget have = allM id [ pure (not $ null have) , not <$> inAnnex k , wantGet True (Just k) (Just f) ] handleget have = ifM (wantget have) ( return [ get have ] , return [] ) get have = commandAction $ do showStart "get" f next $ next $ getViaTmp k $ \dest -> getKeyFile' k (Just f) dest have wantput r | Remote.readonly r || remoteAnnexReadOnly (Types.Remote.gitconfig r) = return False | otherwise = wantSend True (Just k) (Just f) (Remote.uuid r) handleput lack = ifM (inAnnex k) ( map put <$> filterM wantput lack , return [] ) put dest = do ok <- commandAction $ do showStart "copy" f next $ Command.Move.toPerform dest False k (Just f) return (ok, if ok then Just (Remote.uuid dest) else Nothing)