{- git-annex command - - Copyright 2011 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module Command.Migrate where import Common.Annex import Command import Backend import qualified Types.Key import Types.Backend (canUpgradeKey, fastMigrate) import Types.KeySource import Annex.Content import qualified Command.ReKey import qualified Command.Fsck import qualified Annex import Logs.MetaData cmd :: Command cmd = notDirect $ withGlobalOptions annexedMatchingOptions $ command "migrate" SectionUtility "switch data to different backend" paramPaths (withParams seek) seek :: CmdParams -> CommandSeek seek = withFilesInGit $ whenAnnexed start start :: FilePath -> Key -> CommandStart start file key = do forced <- Annex.getState Annex.force v <- Backend.getBackend file key case v of Nothing -> stop Just oldbackend -> do exists <- inAnnex key newbackend <- choosebackend =<< chooseBackend file if (newbackend /= oldbackend || upgradableKey oldbackend key || forced) && exists then do showStart "migrate" file next $ perform file key oldbackend newbackend else stop where choosebackend Nothing = Prelude.head <$> orderedList choosebackend (Just backend) = return backend {- Checks if a key is upgradable to a newer representation. - - Reasons for migration: - - Ideally, all keys have file size metadata. Old keys may not. - - Something has changed in the backend, such as a bug fix. -} upgradableKey :: Backend -> Key -> Bool upgradableKey backend key = isNothing (Types.Key.keySize key) || backendupgradable where backendupgradable = maybe False (\a -> a key) (canUpgradeKey backend) {- Store the old backend's key in the new backend - The old backend's key is not dropped from it, because there may - be other files still pointing at that key. - - To ensure that the data we have for the old key is valid, it's - fscked here. First we generate the new key. This ensures that the - data cannot get corrupted after the fsck but before the new key is - generated. -} perform :: FilePath -> Key -> Backend -> Backend -> CommandPerform perform file oldkey oldbackend newbackend = go =<< genkey where go Nothing = stop go (Just (newkey, knowngoodcontent)) | knowngoodcontent = finish newkey | otherwise = stopUnless checkcontent $ finish newkey checkcontent = Command.Fsck.checkBackend oldbackend oldkey Command.Fsck.KeyLocked $ Just file finish newkey = ifM (Command.ReKey.linkKey file oldkey newkey) ( do copyMetaData oldkey newkey next $ Command.ReKey.cleanup file oldkey newkey , error "failed" ) genkey = case maybe Nothing (\fm -> fm oldkey newbackend (Just file)) (fastMigrate oldbackend) of Just newkey -> return $ Just (newkey, True) Nothing -> do content <- calcRepo $ gitAnnexLocation oldkey let source = KeySource { keyFilename = file , contentLocation = content , inodeCache = Nothing } v <- genKey source (Just newbackend) return $ case v of Just (newkey, _) -> Just (newkey, False) _ -> Nothing