{- git-annex command - - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module Command.Indirect where import System.PosixCompat.Files import Common.Annex import Command import qualified Git import qualified Git.Command import qualified Git.LsFiles import Git.FileMode import Config import qualified Annex import Annex.Direct import Annex.Content import Annex.CatFile import Annex.Version import Annex.Perms import Init def :: [Command] def = [notBareRepo $ noDaemonRunning $ command "indirect" paramNothing seek SectionSetup "switch repository to indirect mode"] seek :: [CommandSeek] seek = [withNothing start] start :: CommandStart start = ifM isDirect ( do unlessM (coreSymlinks <$> Annex.getGitConfig) $ error "Git is configured to not use symlinks, so you must use direct mode." whenM probeCrippledFileSystem $ error "This repository seems to be on a crippled filesystem, you must use direct mode." next perform , stop ) perform :: CommandPerform perform = do showStart "commit" "" whenM (stageDirect) $ do showOutput void $ inRepo $ Git.Command.runBool [ Param "commit" , Param "-m" , Param "commit before switching to indirect mode" ] showEndOk -- Note that we set indirect mode early, so that we can use -- moveAnnex in indirect mode. setDirect False top <- fromRepo Git.repoPath (l, clean) <- inRepo $ Git.LsFiles.stagedOthersDetails [top] forM_ l go void $ liftIO clean next cleanup where {- Walk tree from top and move all present direct mode files into - the annex, replacing with symlinks. Also delete direct mode - caches and mappings. -} go (f, Just sha, Just mode) | isSymLink mode = do r <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ getSymbolicLinkStatus f case r of Just s | isSymbolicLink s -> void $ flip whenAnnexed f $ \_ (k, _) -> do cleandirect k return Nothing | otherwise -> maybe noop (fromdirect f) =<< catKey sha mode _ -> noop go _ = noop fromdirect f k = do showStart "indirect" f thawContentDir =<< calcRepo (gitAnnexLocation k) cleandirect k -- clean before content directory gets frozen whenM (liftIO $ not . isSymbolicLink <$> getSymbolicLinkStatus f) $ do moveAnnex k f l <- inRepo $ gitAnnexLink f k liftIO $ createSymbolicLink l f showEndOk cleandirect k = do liftIO . nukeFile =<< calcRepo (gitAnnexInodeCache k) liftIO . nukeFile =<< calcRepo (gitAnnexMapping k) cleanup :: CommandCleanup cleanup = do setVersion defaultVersion showStart "indirect" "" showEndOk return True