{- git-annex command - - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module Command.ImportFeed where import Text.Feed.Import import Text.Feed.Query import Text.Feed.Types import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Time.Clock import Common.Annex import qualified Annex import Command import qualified Utility.Url as Url import Logs.Web import qualified Option import qualified Utility.Format import Utility.Tmp import Command.AddUrl (addUrlFile, relaxedOption) import Annex.Perms import Backend.URL (fromUrl) def :: [Command] def = [notBareRepo $ withOptions [templateOption, relaxedOption] $ command "importfeed" (paramRepeating paramUrl) seek SectionCommon "import files from podcast feeds"] templateOption :: Option templateOption = Option.field [] "template" paramFormat "template for filenames" seek :: [CommandSeek] seek = [withField templateOption return $ \tmpl -> withFlag relaxedOption $ \relaxed -> withValue (getCache tmpl) $ \cache -> withStrings $ start relaxed cache] start :: Bool -> Cache -> URLString -> CommandStart start relaxed cache url = do showStart "importfeed" url next $ perform relaxed cache url perform :: Bool -> Cache -> URLString -> CommandPerform perform relaxed cache url = do v <- findEnclosures url case v of Just l | not (null l) -> do ok <- all id <$> mapM (downloadEnclosure relaxed cache) l unless ok $ feedProblem url "problem downloading item" next $ cleanup url ok _ -> do feedProblem url "bad feed content" next $ return True cleanup :: URLString -> Bool -> CommandCleanup cleanup url ok = do when ok $ clearFeedProblem url return ok data ToDownload = ToDownload { feed :: Feed , feedurl :: URLString , item :: Item , location :: URLString } mkToDownload :: Feed -> URLString -> Item -> Maybe ToDownload mkToDownload f u i = case getItemEnclosure i of Nothing -> Nothing Just (enclosureurl, _, _) -> Just $ ToDownload f u i enclosureurl data Cache = Cache { knownurls :: S.Set URLString , template :: Utility.Format.Format } getCache :: Maybe String -> Annex Cache getCache opttemplate = ifM (Annex.getState Annex.force) ( ret S.empty , do showSideAction "checking known urls" ret =<< S.fromList <$> knownUrls ) where tmpl = Utility.Format.gen $ fromMaybe defaultTemplate opttemplate ret s = return $ Cache s tmpl findEnclosures :: URLString -> Annex (Maybe [ToDownload]) findEnclosures url = extract <$> downloadFeed url where extract Nothing = Nothing extract (Just f) = Just $ mapMaybe (mkToDownload f url) (feedItems f) {- Feeds change, so a feed download cannot be resumed. -} downloadFeed :: URLString -> Annex (Maybe Feed) downloadFeed url = do showOutput liftIO $ withTmpFile "feed" $ \f h -> do fileEncoding h ifM (Url.download url [] [] f) ( liftIO $ parseFeedString <$> hGetContentsStrict h , return Nothing ) {- Avoids downloading any urls that are already known to be associated - with a file in the annex, unless forced. -} downloadEnclosure :: Bool -> Cache -> ToDownload -> Annex Bool downloadEnclosure relaxed cache enclosure | S.member url (knownurls cache) = ifM forced (go, return True) | otherwise = go where forced = Annex.getState Annex.force url = location enclosure go = do dest <- makeunique (1 :: Integer) $ feedFile (template cache) enclosure case dest of Nothing -> return True Just f -> do showStart "addurl" f ok <- addUrlFile relaxed url f if ok then do showEndOk return True else do showEndFail checkFeedBroken (feedurl enclosure) {- Find a unique filename to save the url to. - If the file exists, prefixes it with a number. - When forced, the file may already exist and have the same - url, in which case Nothing is returned as it does not need - to be re-downloaded. -} makeunique n file = ifM alreadyexists ( ifM forced ( ifAnnexed f checksameurl tryanother , tryanother ) , return $ Just f ) where f = if n < 2 then file else let (d, base) = splitFileName file in d show n ++ "_" ++ base tryanother = makeunique (n + 1) file alreadyexists = liftIO $ isJust <$> catchMaybeIO (getSymbolicLinkStatus f) checksameurl (k, _) = ifM (elem url <$> getUrls k) ( return Nothing , tryanother ) defaultTemplate :: String defaultTemplate = "${feedtitle}/${itemtitle}${extension}" {- Generates a filename to use for a feed item by filling out the template. - The filename may not be unique. -} feedFile :: Utility.Format.Format -> ToDownload -> FilePath feedFile tmpl i = Utility.Format.format tmpl $ M.fromList [ field "feedtitle" $ getFeedTitle $ feed i , fieldMaybe "itemtitle" $ getItemTitle $ item i , fieldMaybe "feedauthor" $ getFeedAuthor $ feed i , fieldMaybe "itemauthor" $ getItemAuthor $ item i , fieldMaybe "itemsummary" $ getItemSummary $ item i , fieldMaybe "itemdescription" $ getItemDescription $ item i , fieldMaybe "itemrights" $ getItemRights $ item i , fieldMaybe "itemid" $ snd <$> getItemId (item i) , ("extension", sanitizeFilePath $ takeExtension $ location i) ] where field k v = let s = sanitizeFilePath v in if null s then (k, "none") else (k, s) fieldMaybe k Nothing = (k, "none") fieldMaybe k (Just v) = field k v {- Called when there is a problem with a feed. - Throws an error if the feed is broken, otherwise shows a warning. -} feedProblem :: URLString -> String -> Annex () feedProblem url message = ifM (checkFeedBroken url) ( error $ message ++ " (having repeated problems with this feed!)" , warning $ "warning: " ++ message ) {- A feed is only broken if problems have occurred repeatedly, for at - least 23 hours. -} checkFeedBroken :: URLString -> Annex Bool checkFeedBroken url = checkFeedBroken' url =<< feedState url checkFeedBroken' :: URLString -> FilePath -> Annex Bool checkFeedBroken' url f = do prev <- maybe Nothing readish <$> liftIO (catchMaybeIO $ readFile f) now <- liftIO getCurrentTime case prev of Nothing -> do createAnnexDirectory (parentDir f) liftIO $ writeFile f $ show now return False Just prevtime -> do let broken = diffUTCTime now prevtime > 60 * 60 * 23 when broken $ -- Avoid repeatedly complaining about -- broken feed. clearFeedProblem url return broken clearFeedProblem :: URLString -> Annex () clearFeedProblem url = void $ liftIO . tryIO . removeFile =<< feedState url feedState :: URLString -> Annex FilePath feedState url = fromRepo . gitAnnexFeedState =<< fromUrl url Nothing