{- git-remote-tor-annex program - - Copyright 2016 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module CmdLine.GitRemoteTorAnnex where import Common import qualified Annex import qualified Git.CurrentRepo import Remote.Helper.P2P import Remote.Helper.P2P.IO import Remote.Helper.Tor import Utility.Tor import Annex.UUID run :: [String] -> IO () run (_remotename:address:[]) = forever $ do -- gitremote-helpers protocol l <- getLine case l of "capabilities" -> putStrLn "connect" >> ready "connect git-upload-pack" -> go UploadPack "connect git-receive-pack" -> go ReceivePack _ -> error $ "git-remote-helpers protocol error at " ++ show l where (onionaddress, onionport) | '/' `elem` address = parseAddressPort $ reverse $ takeWhile (/= '/') $ reverse address | otherwise = parseAddressPort address go service = do ready res <- connectService onionaddress onionport service exitWith (fromMaybe (ExitFailure 1) res) ready = do putStrLn "" hFlush stdout run (_remotename:[]) = giveup "remote address not configured" run _ = giveup "expected remote name and address parameters" parseAddressPort :: String -> (OnionAddress, OnionPort) parseAddressPort s = let (a, sp) = separate (== ':') s in case readish sp of Nothing -> giveup "onion address must include port number" Just p -> (OnionAddress a, p) connectService :: OnionAddress -> OnionPort -> Service -> IO (Maybe ExitCode) connectService address port service = do state <- Annex.new =<< Git.CurrentRepo.get Annex.eval state $ do authtoken <- fromMaybe nullAuthToken <$> getTorAuthToken address myuuid <- getUUID g <- Annex.gitRepo h <- liftIO $ torHandle =<< connectHiddenService address port runNetProtoHandle h h g $ do v <- auth myuuid authtoken case v of Just _theiruuid -> connect service stdin stdout Nothing -> giveup $ "authentication failed, perhaps you need to set " ++ torAuthTokenEnv