{- git-annex command line - - Copyright 2010 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module CmdLine (parseCmd) where import System.Console.GetOpt import Control.Monad.State (liftIO) import System.Directory import Data.String.Utils import Control.Monad (filterM) import Monad (when) import qualified GitRepo as Git import qualified Annex import Locations import qualified Backend import Types import Core import Command import qualified Command.Add import qualified Command.Unannex import qualified Command.Drop import qualified Command.Move import qualified Command.Get import qualified Command.FromKey import qualified Command.DropKey import qualified Command.SetKey import qualified Command.Fix import qualified Command.Init import qualified Command.Fsck subCmds :: [SubCommand] subCmds = [ (SubCommand "add" path (withFilesNotInGit Command.Add.start) "add files to annex") , (SubCommand "get" path (withFilesInGit Command.Get.start) "make content of annexed files available") , (SubCommand "drop" path (withFilesInGit Command.Drop.start) "indicate content of files not currently wanted") , (SubCommand "move" path (withFilesInGit Command.Move.start) "transfer content of files to/from another repository") , (SubCommand "init" desc (withDescription Command.Init.start) "initialize git-annex with repository description") , (SubCommand "unannex" path (withFilesInGit Command.Unannex.start) "undo accidential add command") , (SubCommand "pre-commit" path (withFilesToBeCommitted Command.Fix.start) "fix up symlinks before they are committed") , (SubCommand "fromkey" key (withFilesMissing Command.FromKey.start) "adds a file using a specific key") , (SubCommand "dropkey" key (withKeys Command.DropKey.start) "drops annexed content for specified keys") , (SubCommand "setkey" key (withTempFile Command.SetKey.start) "sets annexed content for a key using a temp file") , (SubCommand "fix" path (withFilesInGit Command.Fix.start) "fix up symlinks to point to annexed content") , (SubCommand "fsck" nothing (withNothing Command.Fsck.start) "check annex for problems") ] where path = "PATH ..." key = "KEY ..." desc = "DESCRIPTION" nothing = "" -- Each dashed command-line option results in generation of an action -- in the Annex monad that performs the necessary setting. options :: [OptDescr (Annex ())] options = [ Option ['f'] ["force"] (NoArg (storebool "force" True)) "allow actions that may lose annexed data" , Option ['q'] ["quiet"] (NoArg (storebool "quiet" True)) "avoid verbose output" , Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg (storebool "quiet" False)) "allow verbose output" , Option ['b'] ["backend"] (ReqArg (storestring "backend") "NAME") "specify default key-value backend to use" , Option ['k'] ["key"] (ReqArg (storestring "key") "KEY") "specify a key to use" , Option ['t'] ["to"] (ReqArg (storestring "torepository") "REPOSITORY") "specify to where to transfer content" , Option ['f'] ["from"] (ReqArg (storestring "fromrepository") "REPOSITORY") "specify from where to transfer content" ] where storebool n b = Annex.flagChange n $ FlagBool b storestring n s = Annex.flagChange n $ FlagString s header :: String header = "Usage: git-annex " ++ (join "|" $ map subcmdname subCmds) {- Usage message with lists of options and subcommands. -} usage :: String usage = usageInfo header options ++ "\nSubcommands:\n" ++ cmddescs where cmddescs = unlines $ map (\c -> indent $ showcmd c) subCmds showcmd c = (subcmdname c) ++ (pad 11 (subcmdname c)) ++ (subcmdparams c) ++ (pad 13 (subcmdparams c)) ++ (subcmddesc c) indent l = " " ++ l pad n s = take (n - (length s)) $ repeat ' ' {- These functions find appropriate files or other things based on a user's parameters. -} withFilesNotInGit :: SubCmdSeekBackendFiles withFilesNotInGit a params = do repo <- Annex.gitRepo files <- liftIO $ mapM (Git.notInRepo repo) params let files' = foldl (++) [] files pairs <- Backend.chooseBackends files' return $ map a $ filter (\(f,_) -> notState f) pairs withFilesInGit :: SubCmdSeekStrings withFilesInGit a params = do repo <- Annex.gitRepo files <- liftIO $ mapM (Git.inRepo repo) params return $ map a $ filter notState $ foldl (++) [] files withFilesMissing :: SubCmdSeekStrings withFilesMissing a params = do files <- liftIO $ filterM missing params return $ map a $ filter notState files where missing f = do e <- doesFileExist f return $ not e withDescription :: SubCmdSeekStrings withDescription a params = do return $ [a $ unwords params] withFilesToBeCommitted :: SubCmdSeekStrings withFilesToBeCommitted a params = do repo <- Annex.gitRepo files <- liftIO $ mapM (Git.stagedFiles repo) params return $ map a $ filter notState $ foldl (++) [] files withKeys :: SubCmdSeekStrings withKeys a params = return $ map a params withTempFile :: SubCmdSeekStrings withTempFile a params = return $ map a params withNothing :: SubCmdSeekNothing withNothing a params = return [a] {- filter out files from the state directory -} notState :: FilePath -> Bool notState f = stateLoc /= take (length stateLoc) f {- Parses command line and returns two lists of actions to be - run in the Annex monad. The first actions configure it - according to command line options, while the second actions - handle subcommands. -} parseCmd :: [String] -> AnnexState -> IO ([Annex Bool], [Annex Bool]) parseCmd argv state = do (flags, params) <- getopt when (null params) $ error usage case lookupCmd (params !! 0) of [] -> error usage [subcommand] -> do actions <- prepSubCmd subcommand state (drop 1 params) let configactions = map (\flag -> do flag return True) flags return (configactions, actions) _ -> error "internal error: multiple matching subcommands" where getopt = case getOpt Permute options argv of (flags, params, []) -> return (flags, params) (_, _, errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usage)) lookupCmd cmd = filter (\c -> cmd == subcmdname c) subCmds