{- Makes standalone bundle. - - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.IfElse import System.Environment import Data.Maybe import System.FilePath import System.Directory import System.IO import Control.Monad import Data.List import Build.SysConfig as SysConfig import Utility.PartialPrelude import Utility.Directory import Utility.Process import Utility.Monad import Utility.SafeCommand import Utility.Path {- Programs that git-annex uses, to include in the bundle. - - These may be just the command name, or the full path to it. -} thirdpartyProgs :: [FilePath] thirdpartyProgs = catMaybes [ Just "git" , Just "cp" , Just "xargs" , Just "gpg" , Just "rsync" , Just "ssh" , Just "sh" , ifset SysConfig.curl "curl" , ifset SysConfig.wget "wget" , ifset SysConfig.bup "bup" , SysConfig.lsof , SysConfig.sha1 , SysConfig.sha256 , SysConfig.sha512 , SysConfig.sha224 , SysConfig.sha384 ] where ifset True s = Just s ifset False _ = Nothing progDir :: FilePath -> FilePath #ifdef darwin_HOST_OS progDir topdir = topdir #else progDir topdir = topdir "bin" #endif installProg :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () installProg dir prog = searchPath prog >>= go where go Nothing = error $ "cannot find " ++ prog ++ " in PATH" go (Just f) = unlessM (boolSystem "install" [File f, File dir]) $ error $ "install failed for " ++ prog main = getArgs >>= go where go [] = error "specify topdir" go (topdir:_) = do let dir = progDir topdir createDirectoryIfMissing True dir forM_ thirdpartyProgs $ installProg dir