{- Downloads git-annex autobuilds and installs them into the git-annex - repository in ~/lib/downloads that is used to distribute git-annex - releases. - - Generates info files, containing the version (of the corresponding file - from the autobuild). - - Also gpg signs the files. -} import Common.Annex import Types.Distribution import Build.Version import Utility.UserInfo import Utility.Url import qualified Git.Construct import qualified Annex import Annex.Content import Backend import Git.Command import Data.Default import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Char import System.Posix.Directory -- git-annex distribution signing key (for Joey Hess) signingKey :: String signingKey = "89C809CB" -- URL to an autobuilt git-annex file, and the place to install -- it in the repository. autobuilds :: [(URLString, FilePath)] autobuilds = (map linuxarch ["i386", "amd64", "armel"]) ++ (map androidversion ["4.0", "4.3", "5.0"]) ++ [ (autobuild "x86_64-apple-yosemite/git-annex.dmg", "git-annex/OSX/current/10.10_Yosemite/git-annex.dmg") , (autobuild "windows/git-annex-installer.exe", "git-annex/windows/current/git-annex-installer.exe") ] where linuxarch a = ( autobuild (a ++ "/git-annex-standalone-" ++ a ++ ".tar.gz") , "git-annex/linux/current/git-annex-standalone-" ++ a ++ ".tar.gz" ) androidversion v = ( autobuild ("android/" ++ v ++ "/git-annex.apk") , "git-annex/android/current/" ++ v ++ "/git-annex.apk" ) autobuild f = "https://downloads.kitenet.net/git-annex/autobuild/" ++ f main :: IO () main = do version <- liftIO getChangelogVersion repodir <- getRepoDir changeWorkingDirectory repodir updated <- catMaybes <$> mapM (getbuild repodir) autobuilds state <- Annex.new =<< Git.Construct.fromPath "." Annex.eval state (makeinfos updated version) -- Download a build from the autobuilder, and return its version. -- It's very important that the version matches the build, otherwise -- auto-upgrades can loop reatedly. So, check build-version before -- and after downloading the file. getbuild :: FilePath -> (URLString, FilePath) -> IO (Maybe (FilePath, Version)) getbuild repodir (url, f) = do bv1 <- getbv let dest = repodir f let tmp = dest ++ ".tmp" nukeFile tmp createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir dest) let oops s = do nukeFile tmp putStrLn $ "*** " ++ s return Nothing ifM (download url tmp def) ( do bv2 <- getbv case bv2 of Nothing -> oops $ "no build-version file for " ++ url (Just v) | bv2 == bv1 -> do nukeFile dest renameFile tmp dest -- remove git rev part of version let v' = takeWhile (/= '-') v return $ Just (f, v') | otherwise -> oops $ "build version changed while downloading " ++ url ++ " " ++ show (bv1, bv2) , oops $ "failed to download " ++ url ) where bvurl = takeDirectory url ++ "/build-version" getbv = do bv <- catchDefaultIO "" $ readProcess "curl" ["--silent", bvurl] return $ if null bv || any (not . versionchar) bv then Nothing else Just bv versionchar c = isAlphaNum c || c == '.' || c == '-' makeinfos :: [(FilePath, Version)] -> Version -> Annex () makeinfos updated version = do mapM_ (\f -> inRepo $ runBool [Param "annex", Param "add", File f]) (map fst updated) void $ inRepo $ runBool [ Param "commit" , Param "-a" , Param "-m" , Param $ "publishing git-annex " ++ version ] now <- liftIO getCurrentTime liftIO $ putStrLn $ "building info files" forM_ updated $ \(f, bv) -> do v <- lookupFile f case v of Nothing -> noop Just k -> whenM (inAnnex k) $ do liftIO $ putStrLn f let infofile = f ++ ".info" liftIO $ writeFile infofile $ show $ GitAnnexDistribution { distributionUrl = mkUrl f , distributionKey = k , distributionVersion = bv , distributionReleasedate = now , distributionUrgentUpgrade = Nothing } void $ inRepo $ runBool [Param "add", File infofile] signFile infofile signFile f void $ inRepo $ runBool [ Param "commit" , Param "-m" , Param $ "updated info files for git-annex " ++ version ] void $ inRepo $ runBool [ Param "annex" , Params "move --to website" ] void $ inRepo $ runBool [ Param "annex" , Params "sync" ] -- Check for out of date info files. infos <- liftIO $ filter (".info" `isSuffixOf`) <$> dirContentsRecursive "git-annex" ds <- liftIO $ forM infos (readish <$$> readFile) let dis = zip infos ds let ood = filter outofdate dis unless (null ood) $ error $ "Some info files are out of date: " ++ show (map fst ood) where outofdate (_, md) = case md of Nothing -> True Just d -> distributionVersion d /= version getRepoDir :: IO FilePath getRepoDir = do home <- liftIO myHomeDir return $ home "lib" "downloads" mkUrl :: FilePath -> String mkUrl f = "https://downloads.kitenet.net/" ++ f signFile :: FilePath -> Annex () signFile f = do void $ liftIO $ boolSystem "gpg" [ Param "-a" , Param $ "--default-key=" ++ signingKey , Param "--detach-sign" , File f ] liftIO $ rename (f ++ ".asc") (f ++ ".sig") void $ inRepo $ runBool [Param "add", File (f ++ ".sig")]