{- management of the git-annex branch - - Copyright 2011 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module Branch ( create, update, get, change, commit, files, refExists, hasOrigin, hasSomeBranch, name ) where import Control.Monad (unless, liftM) import Control.Monad.State (liftIO) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import System.FilePath import System.Directory import Data.String.Utils import System.Cmd.Utils import Data.Maybe import System.IO import System.IO.Binary import System.Posix.Process import System.Exit import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import Types.BranchState import qualified Git import qualified Git.UnionMerge import qualified Annex import Utility import Utility.Conditional import Utility.SafeCommand import Types import Messages import Locations import CatFile type GitRef = String {- Name of the branch that is used to store git-annex's information. -} name :: GitRef name = "git-annex" {- Fully qualified name of the branch. -} fullname :: GitRef fullname = "refs/heads/" ++ name {- Branch's name in origin. -} originname :: GitRef originname = "origin/" ++ name {- A separate index file for the branch. -} index :: Git.Repo -> FilePath index g = gitAnnexDir g "index" {- Populates the branch's index file with the current branch contents. - - Usually, this is only done when the index doesn't yet exist, and - the index is used to build up changes to be commited to the branch, - and merge in changes from other branches. -} genIndex :: Git.Repo -> IO () genIndex g = Git.UnionMerge.ls_tree g fullname >>= Git.UnionMerge.update_index g {- Runs an action using the branch's index file. -} withIndex :: Annex a -> Annex a withIndex = withIndex' False withIndex' :: Bool -> Annex a -> Annex a withIndex' bootstrapping a = do g <- Annex.gitRepo let f = index g reset <- liftIO $ Git.useIndex f e <- liftIO $ doesFileExist f unless e $ do unless bootstrapping create liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory f liftIO $ unless bootstrapping $ genIndex g r <- a liftIO reset return r withIndexUpdate :: Annex a -> Annex a withIndexUpdate a = update >> withIndex a getState :: Annex BranchState getState = Annex.getState Annex.branchstate setState :: BranchState -> Annex () setState state = Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.branchstate = state } setCache :: FilePath -> String -> Annex () setCache file content = do state <- getState setState state { cachedFile = Just file, cachedContent = content } invalidateCache :: Annex () invalidateCache = do state <- getState setState state { cachedFile = Nothing, cachedContent = "" } getCache :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe String) getCache file = getState >>= handle where handle state | cachedFile state == Just file = return $ Just $ cachedContent state | otherwise = return Nothing {- Creates the branch, if it does not already exist. -} create :: Annex () create = unlessM hasBranch $ do g <- Annex.gitRepo e <- hasOrigin if e then liftIO $ Git.run g "branch" [Param name, Param originname] else withIndex' True $ liftIO $ Git.commit g "branch created" fullname [] {- Stages the journal, and commits staged changes to the branch. -} commit :: String -> Annex () commit message = whenM stageJournalFiles $ do g <- Annex.gitRepo withIndex $ liftIO $ Git.commit g message fullname [fullname] {- Ensures that the branch is up-to-date; should be called before - data is read from it. Runs only once per git-annex run. -} update :: Annex () update = do state <- getState unless (branchUpdated state) $ withIndex $ do {- Since branches get merged into the index, it's important to - first stage the journal into the index. Otherwise, any - changes in the journal would later get staged, and might - overwrite changes made during the merge. - - It would be cleaner to handle the merge by updating the - journal, not the index, with changes from the branches. -} staged <- stageJournalFiles refs <- siblingBranches updated <- catMaybes <$> mapM updateRef refs g <- Annex.gitRepo unless (null updated && not staged) $ liftIO $ Git.commit g "update" fullname (fullname:updated) Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.branchstate = state { branchUpdated = True } } invalidateCache {- Checks if a git ref exists. -} refExists :: GitRef -> Annex Bool refExists ref = do g <- Annex.gitRepo liftIO $ Git.runBool g "show-ref" [Param "--verify", Param "-q", Param ref] {- Does the main git-annex branch exist? -} hasBranch :: Annex Bool hasBranch = refExists fullname {- Does origin/git-annex exist? -} hasOrigin :: Annex Bool hasOrigin = refExists originname {- Does the git-annex branch or a foo/git-annex branch exist? -} hasSomeBranch :: Annex Bool hasSomeBranch = not . null <$> siblingBranches {- List of all git-annex branches, including the main one and any - from remotes. -} siblingBranches :: Annex [String] siblingBranches = do g <- Annex.gitRepo r <- liftIO $ Git.pipeRead g [Param "show-ref", Param name] return $ map (last . words . L.unpack) (L.lines r) {- Ensures that a given ref has been merged into the index. -} updateRef :: GitRef -> Annex (Maybe String) updateRef ref | ref == fullname = return Nothing | otherwise = do g <- Annex.gitRepo -- checking with log to see if there have been changes -- is less expensive than always merging diffs <- liftIO $ Git.pipeRead g [ Param "log", Param (name++".."++ref), Params "--oneline -n1" ] if L.null diffs then return Nothing else do showSideAction $ "merging " ++ Git.refDescribe ref ++ " into " ++ name -- By passing only one ref, it is actually -- merged into the index, preserving any -- changes that may already be staged. -- -- However, any changes in the git-annex -- branch that are *not* reflected in the -- index will be removed. So, documentation -- advises users not to directly modify the -- branch. liftIO $ Git.UnionMerge.merge g [ref] return $ Just ref {- Applies a function to modifiy the content of a file. -} change :: FilePath -> (String -> String) -> Annex () change file a = do lock get file >>= return . a >>= set file unlock where lock = return () unlock = return () {- Records new content of a file into the journal. -} set :: FilePath -> String -> Annex () set file content = do setJournalFile file content setCache file content {- Gets the content of a file on the branch, or content from the journal, or - staged in the index. - - Returns an empty string if the file doesn't exist yet. -} get :: FilePath -> Annex String get file = do cached <- getCache file case cached of Just content -> return content Nothing -> do j <- getJournalFile file case j of Just content -> do setCache file content return content Nothing -> withIndexUpdate $ do content <- catFile fullname file setCache file content return content {- Lists all files on the branch. There may be duplicates in the list. -} files :: Annex [FilePath] files = withIndexUpdate $ do g <- Annex.gitRepo bfiles <- liftIO $ Git.pipeNullSplit g [Params "ls-tree --name-only -r -z", Param fullname] jfiles <- getJournalFiles return $ jfiles ++ bfiles {- Records content for a file in the branch to the journal. - - Using the journal, rather than immediatly staging content to the index - avoids git needing to rewrite the index after every change. -} setJournalFile :: FilePath -> String -> Annex () setJournalFile file content = do g <- Annex.gitRepo liftIO $ catch (write g) $ const $ do createDirectoryIfMissing True $ gitAnnexJournalDir g createDirectoryIfMissing True $ gitAnnexTmpDir g write g where -- journal file is written atomically write g = do let jfile = journalFile g file let tmpfile = gitAnnexTmpDir g takeFileName jfile writeBinaryFile tmpfile content renameFile tmpfile jfile {- Gets journalled content for a file in the branch. -} getJournalFile :: FilePath -> Annex (Maybe String) getJournalFile file = do g <- Annex.gitRepo liftIO $ catch (liftM Just . readFileStrict $ journalFile g file) (const $ return Nothing) {- List of journal files. -} getJournalFiles :: Annex [FilePath] getJournalFiles = map fileJournal <$> getJournalFilesRaw getJournalFilesRaw :: Annex [FilePath] getJournalFilesRaw = do g <- Annex.gitRepo fs <- liftIO $ catch (getDirectoryContents $ gitAnnexJournalDir g) (const $ return []) return $ filter (`notElem` [".", ".."]) fs {- Stages all journal files into the index, and returns True if the index - was modified. -} stageJournalFiles :: Annex Bool stageJournalFiles = do l <- getJournalFilesRaw if null l then return False else do g <- Annex.gitRepo withIndex $ liftIO $ stage g l return True where stage g fs = do let dir = gitAnnexJournalDir g let paths = map (dir ) fs -- inject all the journal files directly into git -- in one quick command (pid, fromh, toh) <- hPipeBoth "git" $ toCommand $ Git.gitCommandLine g [Param "hash-object", Param "-w", Param "--stdin-paths"] _ <- forkProcess $ do hPutStr toh $ unlines paths hClose toh exitSuccess hClose toh s <- hGetContents fromh -- update the index, also in just one command Git.UnionMerge.update_index g $ index_lines (lines s) $ map fileJournal fs hClose fromh forceSuccess pid mapM_ removeFile paths index_lines shas fs = map genline $ zip shas fs genline (sha, file) = Git.UnionMerge.update_index_line sha file {- Produces a filename to use in the journal for a file on the branch. - - The journal typically won't have a lot of files in it, so the hashing - used in the branch is not necessary, and all the files are put directly - in the journal directory. -} journalFile :: Git.Repo -> FilePath -> FilePath journalFile repo file = gitAnnexJournalDir repo concatMap mangle file where mangle '/' = "_" mangle '_' = "__" mangle c = [c] {- Converts a journal file (relative to the journal dir) back to the - filename on the branch. -} fileJournal :: FilePath -> FilePath fileJournal = replace "//" "_" . replace "_" "/"