{- git-annex pseudo-backend - - This backend does not really do any independant data storage, - it relies on the file contents in .git/annex/ in this repo, - and other accessible repos. - - This is an abstract backend; getKey has to be implemented to complete - it. - - Copyright 2010 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} module Backend.File (backend) where import Control.Monad.State import System.Directory import TypeInternals import LocationLog import Locations import qualified Remotes import qualified GitRepo as Git import Core import qualified Annex import UUID backend :: Backend backend = Backend { name = mustProvide, getKey = mustProvide, storeFileKey = dummyStore, retrieveKeyFile = copyKeyFile, removeKey = checkRemoveKey, hasKey = checkKeyFile } mustProvide :: a mustProvide = error "must provide this field" {- Storing a key is a no-op. -} dummyStore :: FilePath -> Key -> Annex (Bool) dummyStore _ _ = return True {- Just check if the .git/annex/ file for the key exists. -} checkKeyFile :: Key -> Annex Bool checkKeyFile k = inAnnex k {- Try to find a copy of the file in one of the remotes, - and copy it over to this one. -} copyKeyFile :: Key -> FilePath -> Annex (Bool) copyKeyFile key file = do remotes <- Remotes.keyPossibilities key if (null remotes) then do showNote "not available" showLocations key return False else trycopy remotes remotes where trycopy full [] = do showNote "not available" showTriedRemotes full showLocations key return False trycopy full (r:rs) = do probablythere <- probablyPresent r if (probablythere) then do showNote $ "copying from " ++ (Git.repoDescribe r) ++ "..." copied <- Remotes.copyFromRemote r key file if (copied) then return True else trycopy full rs else trycopy full rs probablyPresent r = do -- This check is to avoid an ugly message if a -- remote is a drive that is not mounted. -- Avoid checking inAnnex for ssh remotes because -- that is unnecessarily slow, and the locationlog -- should be trusted. (If the ssh remote is down -- or really lacks the file, it's ok to show -- an ugly message before going on to the next -- remote.) if (not $ Git.repoIsUrl r) then liftIO $ doesFileExist $ annexLocation r key else return True {- Checks remotes to verify that enough copies of a key exist to allow - for a key to be safely removed (with no data loss), and fails with an - error if not. -} checkRemoveKey :: Key -> Annex (Bool) checkRemoveKey key = do force <- Annex.flagIsSet "force" if (force) then return True else do g <- Annex.gitRepo remotes <- Remotes.keyPossibilities key let numcopies = read $ Git.configGet g config "1" if (numcopies > length remotes) then notEnoughCopies numcopies (length remotes) [] else findcopies numcopies 0 remotes [] where config = "annex.numcopies" findcopies need have [] bad = if (have >= need) then return True else notEnoughCopies need have bad findcopies need have (r:rs) bad = do if (have >= need) then return True else do haskey <- Remotes.inAnnex r key case (haskey) of Right True -> findcopies need (have+1) rs bad Right False -> findcopies need have rs bad Left _ -> findcopies need have rs (r:bad) notEnoughCopies need have bad = do unsafe showLongNote $ "Could only verify the existence of " ++ (show have) ++ " out of " ++ (show need) ++ " necessary copies" showTriedRemotes bad showLocations key hint return False unsafe = showNote "unsafe" hint = showLongNote $ "(Use --force to override this check, or adjust annex.numcopies.)" showLocations :: Key -> Annex () showLocations key = do g <- Annex.gitRepo u <- getUUID g uuids <- liftIO $ keyLocations g key let uuidsf = filter (\v -> v /= u) uuids ppuuids <- prettyPrintUUIDs uuidsf if (null uuidsf) then showLongNote $ "No other repository is known to contain the file." else showLongNote $ "Try making some of these repositories available:\n" ++ ppuuids showTriedRemotes :: [Git.Repo] -> Annex () showTriedRemotes [] = return () showTriedRemotes remotes = showLongNote $ "I was unable to access these remotes: " ++ (Remotes.list remotes)