{- git-annex assistant transfer slots - - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess - - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher. -} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Assistant.TransferSlots where import Common.Annex import Utility.ThreadScheduler import Assistant.DaemonStatus import Logs.Transfer import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Concurrent import Data.Typeable type TransferSlots = QSemN {- A special exception that can be thrown to pause or resume a transfer, while - keeping its slot in use. -} data TransferException = PauseTransfer | ResumeTransfer deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable) instance E.Exception TransferException type TransferSlotRunner = DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferSlots -> TransferGenerator -> IO () type TransferGenerator = IO (Maybe (Transfer, TransferInfo, IO ())) {- Number of concurrent transfers allowed to be run from the assistant. - - Transfers launched by other means, including by remote assistants, - do not currently take up slots. -} numSlots :: Int numSlots = 1 newTransferSlots :: IO TransferSlots newTransferSlots = newQSemN numSlots {- Waits until a transfer slot becomes available, then runs a - TransferGenerator, and then runs the transfer action in its own thread. -} inTransferSlot :: TransferSlotRunner inTransferSlot dstatus s gen = do waitQSemN s 1 runTransferThread dstatus s =<< gen {- Runs a TransferGenerator, and its transfer action, - without waiting for a slot to become available. -} inImmediateTransferSlot :: TransferSlotRunner inImmediateTransferSlot dstatus s gen = do signalQSemN s (-1) runTransferThread dstatus s =<< gen {- Runs a transfer action, in an already allocated transfer slot. - Once it finishes, frees the transfer slot. - - Note that the action is subject to being killed when the transfer - is canceled or paused. - - A PauseTransfer exception is handled by letting the action be killed, - then pausing the thread until a ResumeTransfer exception is raised, - then rerunning the action. -} runTransferThread :: DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferSlots -> Maybe (Transfer, TransferInfo, IO ()) -> IO () runTransferThread _ s Nothing = signalQSemN s 1 runTransferThread dstatus s (Just (t, info, a)) = do tid <- forkIO $ E.bracket_ noop (signalQSemN s 1) go updateTransferInfo dstatus t $ info { transferTid = Just tid } where go = catchPauseResume a pause = catchPauseResume $ runEvery (Seconds 1) $ print "paused" {- Note: This must use E.try, rather than E.catch. - When E.catch is used, and has called go in its exception - handler, Control.Concurrent.throwTo will block sometimes - when signaling. Using E.try avoids the problem. -} catchPauseResume a' = do r <- E.try a' case r of Right v -> return v Left PauseTransfer -> pause Left ResumeTransfer -> go